XFOR: Built-in Windows NT System Groups Not Added to Chat Sysop AccountsID: Q182024
If you use the Microsoft Management Console for the Microsoft Exchange Chat Service to attempt to add one of the following Windows NT built-in system groups to the Chat Sysop Managers or the Chat Sysops account, the group will appear to be added but will not appear in the Member Name Pane. No error message will be displayed.
Authenticated UsersNOTE: CREATOR OWNER can only be added on a local computer.
These built-in accounts are not listed in the User Manager window. However, when you administer a computer and Windows NT presents lists of groups, these special groups sometimes appear in the list, as is the case with the Chat Service.
These groups are not required as part of the Chat Service and should not be
added to either the Chat Sysop Managers account or the Chat Sysops account
through the Microsoft Management Console.
Additional query words: MCIS
Keywords : kbusage XFOR
Version : WINDOWS:5.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: March 31, 1999