XFOR: Installing Proxy Address Generator for LinkAge Notes Connector

ID: Q169458

The information in this article applies to:


In a multiple-site environment, sites other than the site where LinkAge Notes Connector is installed need the proxy generator and the address template to send and receive mail with the connected systems.

The following instructions identify the steps necessary to install the proxy generator and the address template for the LinkAge Notes Connector on a site separate from the site where the connector is installed.


  1. The following files are required for these steps and can be obtained from the c:\linkage\install directory on the currently installed LinkAge Notes Connector:
    Mexitmpl.exe, Mexiaddr.exe, Ntspxgen.dll, Ntsscr.blt, Ntsadt.blt, and Ntsadt.hlp

  2. Create a c:\linkage\install directory on the Exchange Server computer in the site where the proxy generator and the address template are to be installed, and copy the above files to this directory.

  3. Create a directory where the Notes proxy address generator will exist:

  4. Copy the Notes proxy address generator (Ntspxgen.dll) to the directory just created (\\MEXServerName\address\NOTES\i386).

  5. Run the following command from the c:\linkage\install directory to install the Notes address template on the Exchange Server computer:
                mexitmpl "/org=MEXOrganization" "/site=MEXSite"
          "/Server=MEXServerName" /ADDRTYPE=NOTES
                /LANGUAGE=409 /FILE=c:\linkage\install\ntsadt.hlp
                /DATA32=c:\linkage\install\ntsadt.hlp /SF 
    Check the following files to see if any errors occurred with the above command:

  6. Run the following command from the c:\linkage\install directory to install the proxy address rule and to optionally generate proxy addresses:
                mexiaddr "/org=MEXOrganization" "/site=MEXSite"
          /Server=MEXServerName"  /ADDRTYPE=NOTES
                /PROXYDLL=c:\linkage\install\ntspxgen.dll  /SF 
    NOTE: The text of the preceding command has been wrapped for readability. The break in the fourth line at the "c" character is not necessary when you type this command at your command prompt.

    If proxy addresses are NOT to be generated, then insert /NOGENADDR before the /SF.

    Check the following files to see if any errors occurred with the above command:

Keywords          : kbusage XFOR 
Version           : WinNT:5.0
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbhowto 

Last Reviewed: May 7, 1999