XFOR: Ms Mail users sending SMTP, NDR, 2375, 2113 inconsistentlyID: Q169117
When Microsoft Mail users send SMTP mail through the Internet Mail Service (or Internet Mail Connector in version 4.0), they may sometimes get a non- delivery report (NDR) that reads:
Delivery to (SMTP:user1@domain1.com) failed.
Reason: unable to transfer diagnostic: no route to intended MS Mail
Where user1 is not a Microsoft Mail recipient but any recipient on the
Internet. The Microsoft Mail users are, however, receiving local mail and
SMTP mail with no problem.
5/22/97 12:55:53 PM MSExchangeMSMI Error Session Error 2375 N/A TRADE MS
Mail Connector Interchange has detected a configuration problem. No
mailbag on the MS Mail Connector Post Office was found for recipient:
SMTP:rlaporte@sierrahitek.com in the message with message id
5/22/97 12:55:53 PM MSExchangeMSMI Warning NDR 2371 N/A TRADE
Invalid recipient(s) found in CA/TCAHQPO/00000C9D. Generating
non-delivery report.
5/22/97 12:55:53 PM MSExchangeMSMI Information Routing 2444 N/A
Message ID <00000C9D> processed from INQUEUE
MSExchangeMSMI Warning NDR 2371 N/A TRADE Invalid recipient(s) found
in CA/TCAHQPO/00000C9D. Generating non-delivery report.
MSExchangeMSMI Information Routing 2444 N/A TRADE Message ID <00000C9D>
processed from INQUEUE
MSExchangeMSMI Error Session Error 2375 N/A TRADE MS Mail Connector
Interchange has detected a configuration problem. No mailbag on
the MS Mail Connector Post Office was found for recipient:
SMTP:rlaporte@sierrahitek.com in the message with message id
Event ID 2113 Message ID delivered to exchange. ID 2375 invalid
recipients found in Exchange PO. No mailbag found on MS Mail
connector PO was found." Delivery to (SMTP:rlaporte@sierrahitek.com)
Reason: unable to transfer diagnostic: no route to intended MS Mail
After translating a recipient address, MS Mail Connector Interchange was unable to route the message to a Microsoft Mail post office. A non delivery report is generated for this message. This may be caused by the existence of an SMTP address space in the MSMail Connector. If it exists, then messages intended for the IMS will randomly be sent to the MSMail connector. This is caused by the steps taken by the MTA to determine routing. If outbound SMTP messages are delivered to the MSMail connector, an NDR is generated because there is no MSMail postoffice that matches the address.
To resolve this problem:
Keywords : kbusage XFOR
Version : WinNT:4.0,5.0
Platform : winnt
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: April 23, 1999