BUG: Operating System Regional Settings Effect VFP COM Objects

ID: Q195261

The information in this article applies to:


When you call a method of a COM object written in Visual FoxPro 6.0, the following error might appear:

OLE error code 0x8002801d: Library not registered.


The Visual FoxPro COM object was built on an operating system that uses a different language ID (LCID) regional setting than the one that the COM object is being instantiated on.


Do one of the following to resolve this problem:

Sample Code

   ** Begin program code **
   *   Program:  Tag_TLB_LCID
   *   Param:    TLB_FileName [,LCID]
   *   Note:  The first param can have any extension (for example, DLL).
   *   This utility tags a Visual FoxPro-created TLB file with the LCID
   *   specified or with LANG_NEUTRAL by default. This allows
   *   COM DLLs created with Visual FoxPro 6.0 to be distributed to
   *   operating systems that have different Language or Dialect
   *   (sublanguage) settings. This has only been tested on
   *   TLBs created with Visual FoxPro 6.0, and is not guaranteed to
   *   work correctly on all TLBs created with Visual FoxPro 6.0.
   *   The TLB file format could not be completely reverse-
   *   engineered, so you must look for a marker that you believe
   *   will always point you to the typelib description field.
   *   the LCID appears nine bytes after that.
   *   The original TLB file is backed up, with _ORIG_LCID
   *   tacked on to the name (for example, Test_ORIG_LCID.TLB)
   *   If it is successful, the procedure returns ".T.".
   *   For information on what to pass as an LCID for a particular
   *   region, look at the #DEFINEs in FoxPro.H.

   *  Localizable strings:
   #DEFINE D_GETFILE_CAPTION_LOC   "Select a Type Library to modify"
   #DEFINE D_NO_TLB_LOC "Could not open Type Library, ;
   or Type Library ;is empty."
   #DEFINE D_ERROR_PARSING_TLB_LOC   "Typelib has no description? ;
    Error parsing TLB."
   #DEFINE D_CANNOT_FIND_FILE_LOC   "Cannot find file '%s'."

   *  Non-localizable definitions

   *  Code begins
   LOCAL cLCID, cTLBContents, nTypeLibDesc, nDescLength, nLangIDLocation
   LOCAL cOldSafety, cTargetFileName, nLastMarker, nOffset

   *  If no filename passed, prompt for a file.
   IF PCOUNT() < 1
      cDLLName = "*.DLL"
      IF EMPTY(cDLLName)
         *  User pressed cancel.
         RETURN .f.

   *  If no LCID passed, assume LANG_NEUTRAL (0x0000).
   IF PCOUNT() < 2

   *  Convert it to a two-byte string, with the low byte first.
   cLCID = CHR(BITAND(nLCID, 0xFF)) + ;
         CHR(BITRSHIFT(BITAND(nLCID, 0xFF00),8))

   *  If not a TLB file, replace the extension with .tlb.
   IF ! UPPER(RIGHT(ALLTR(cDLLName), 4)) = ".TLB"
      cDLLName = AddBS(JustPath(cDLLName)) + JustStem(cDllName) + ".TLB"
      IF NOT FILE(cDLLName)
         Messagebox(STRTRAN(D_CANNOT_FIND_FILE_LOC, "%s", cDllName))
         RETURN .F.

   *  TLBs are never huge, so just use FILETOSTR instead of FOPEN, and so
   *  forth.
   cTLBContents = FILETOSTR(cDllName)
   IF TYPE("cTLBContents") # "C" OR EMPTY(cTLBContents)
      RETURN .F.

   *  Find TypeLib Description, which is just past the last
   *  occurrence of *\Rffff*#.  Actually, if there are more than 15
   *  COM objects in the DLL, the number (written in ascii) that
   *  comes just past the # can be more than one digit,
   *  so we need to count from the eszet (0xDF) that comes just after.
   nLastMarker = RAT(D_OBJECT_DEF_MARKER, cTLBContents)
   nOffset = AT(CHR(0xDF), SUBSTR(cTLBContents, nLastMarker, 20))
   nTypeLibDesc = nLastMarker + nOffset + 97

   *  Assume description will not be more that 255 bytes, so only read one
   *  byte of length field.
   nDescLength = ASC(SUBSTR(cTLBContents, nTypeLibDesc, 1))
   IF nDescLength = 0
      RETURN .F.

   *  Now that you have the description length, you know exactly
   *  where the LCID is written.
   nLangIDLocation = nTypeLibDesc + nDescLength + 10

   *  Back up original file.
   cOldSafety = SET("SAFETY")
   cTargetFileName = ADDBS(JUSTPATH(cDllName)) + JUSTSTEM(cDLLNAME) +;
   ERASE (cTargetFileName)
   RENAME (cDLLName) TO (cTargetFileName)

   *  Now, write your file.
   STRTOFILE(LEFT(cTLBContents, nLangIDLocation - 1) + cLCID + ;
         SUBSTR(cTLBContents, nLangIDLocation + 2), cDLLName)

   *  Restore environment settings.
   SET SAFETY &cOldSafety

   ** End program code ** 
After you build a Visual FoxPro COM object, you can call the Tag_TLB_LCID program to stamp the type library with the language neutral LCID using the following syntax:

   DO Tag_TLB_LCID WITH "<your dll filename>" 
This functionality could be implemented using a project hook class. Use the AfterBuild event of the project hook class to make the sample program call.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the beginning of this article.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. BUILD DLL foxsrch FROM HOME(2) + "servers\gopher\foxsrch.pjx".

  2. In the Control Panel, click Regional Settings.

  3. Choose a different Regional Setting, and click OK.

  4. Run the following code:

RESULT: The following error message appears:
OLE error code 0x8002801d: Library not registered.

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbcode kbCOMt kbVFp600bug 
Version           : 
Platform          : 
Issue type        : kbbug 

Last Reviewed: August 5, 1999