FastTips for FoxPro for Windows: Installation Q and A

ID: Q96170

The information in this article applies to:

      Microsoft(R) Technical Support Application Note (Text File)
                                                  Revision Date: 10/93
                                                      No Disk Included

The following information applies to Microsoft FoxPro(R) version 2.5
for Windows(TM).

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| Copyright (C) 1993 Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.     |
| Microsoft, FoxPro, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows |
| is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.                            |
| SuperStor is a trademark of AddStor, Inc.                           |
| LANtastic is a registered trademark of Artisoft, Inc.               |
| AST is a registered trademark of AST Research, Inc.                 |
| COMPAQ is a registered trademark of Compaq Computer Corporation.    |
| Dell is a registered trademark of Dell Computer Corporation.        |
| NEC is a registered trademark of NEC Corporation.                   |
| Stacker is a registered trademark of STAC Electronics.              |
| TIGA is a registered trademark of Texas Instruments, Inc.           |

This FastTip script provides answers to common questions about
installing and configuring FoxPro for Windows on a network

Network Setup

1.  Q. How do you perform an Administrative Setup of FoxPro on a

    A. In a network environment, you first must install FoxPro on the
       server by using the Administrative Setup option (setup /a).
       Administrative Setup decompresses all the FoxPro for Windows
       files and the Setup files onto the network drive, marking the
       FoxPro files as read-only. Once FoxPro is installed on the
       server, you can then set up each workstation by using Setup
       with the /n option. Workstation Setup copies the FoxPro
       resource files FOXUSER.DBF and FOXUSER.FPT to the local disk.

       To perform an Administrative Setup, perform the following two

       1. In the Windows Program Manager, choose Run from File menu.

          The Run dialog box appears.

       2. In the Command Line box, type a:\setup /a or b:\setup /a,
          depending on which floppy disk drive you are using, and then
          press ENTER.

          During Setup, you will be prompted for user information and
          an installation directory, default drive, path name, and so
          on. For more information, see "Instructions for
          Administrative Setup" in the "Installation and
          Configuration" guide for FoxPro for Windows.

2.  Q. How do you perform a Workstation Setup of FoxPro on a network?

    A. To set up individual workstations, use the Workstation Setup
       option, which requires a previous Administrative Setup. The
       Workstation Setup option sets up a workstation to run a shared
       network version of FoxPro for Windows by copying FoxPro
       initialization files, updating some common .DLL files, and
       creating a program group and program icon on the workstation.

       A Workstation Setup can be performed from the network or from
       disk. To install from a network drive, open the Windows File
       Manager, open a window with the correct network path for FoxPro
       for Windows, then run SETUP.EXE. In the Installation Type
       dialog box, choose the Workstation Installation button.

       To perform a Workstation Setup from disk, open the Windows
       Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu, type a:\setup
       /n or b:\setup /n in the Command Line box, and then press
       ENTER. For more information, see "Instructions for Workstation
       Setup" in the "Installation and Configuration" guide for FoxPro
       for Windows.

3.  Q. What network rights do I need to install FoxPro on a network?

    A. You need full network system rights to install on a network.
       Contact your system administrator for further information about
       your specific installation.

4.  Q. Why are workstation users on our network unable to use FoxPro's
       graphing and spell-checking capabilities?

    A. Workstation users need at least read-access to the MSGRAPH and
       PROOF subdirectories in order to use these features. Contact
       your system administrator regarding user access to these

5.  Q. Can I put a common WIN.INI file up on the server?

    A. No. Each workstation must have its own WIN.INI file.

General Setup

6.  Q. During installation I was asked to select either MS-DOS-style
       keystrokes or Windows-style keystrokes. Which should I choose?

    A. If you are not sure which style to use, select Windows-style
       keystrokes. Windows-style keystrokes correspond to standard
       Windows keystrokes. MS-DOS-style keystrokes let FoxPro for
       Windows behave like FoxPro for MS-DOS. Later, if you want to
       use MS-DOS-style keystrokes, add the line KEYCOMP=DOS to your
       CONFIG.FPW files. For more information about the styles of
       keystrokes, see the SET KEYCOMP TO command in the FoxPro
       "Language Reference" manual.

7.  Q. What is the minimum FILES setting for FoxPro for Windows?

    A. The minimum FILES setting is 40. During installation, FoxPro
       for Windows checks your CONFIG.SYS file. If you have a FILES
       setting less than 40, a dialog box presents you with three
       options: make the modifications for you, allow you to review
       and edit changes, or allow you to make the modifications later.
       If you allow the installation program to modify your CONFIG.SYS
       file, your old file is saved as CONFIG.OLD (or CONFIG.001 if
       CONFIG.OLD already exists). For additional information, see the
       chapter "Customizing FoxPro" in the "Installation and
       Configuration" guide.

8.  Q. Does FoxPro for Windows update any dynamic-link libraries
       (.DLLs) in the Windows subdirectory where system files are

    A. Yes. The following .DLLs are updated: COMMDLG.DLL, DDEML.DLL,

       FoxPro's graphing capabilities require that the files GRAPH.EXE
       and GRAPH.HLP be stored in the WINDOWS\MSAPPS\MSGRAPH

       FoxPro's spell-checking capabilities require that the files
       MSSPELL.DLL, MSSP_AM.LEX, and MSSP_BR.LEX be stored in
       WINDOWS\MSAPPS\PROOF subdirectory.

9.  Q. I accidentally deleted some of the FoxPro sample files. Can I
       reinstall these files without reinstalling FoxPro?

    A. Yes. Run Setup again and select the Custom Installation option
       from the Installation Type dialog box. This option lets you
       choose the components you want to install.

10. Q. I'm having difficulty reading the FoxPro disks because of an
       alignment problem with my floppy disk drive. Is there another
       option for installation?

    A. One option is to copy all the files to a directory on your hard
       disk and then run the FoxPro installation from the hard disk
       instead of the floppy disk.

11. Q. I'm trying to install FoxPro for Windows under Windows 3.0 and
       I'm getting the message "Cannot write VER.DLL." How can I work
       around this problem?

    A. Rename the VER.DLL file in the Windows System subdirectory to
       some other name, such as VER.OLD.

12. Q. I'm having difficulty installing FoxPro. I've tried minimizing
       both my CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and I still can't
       install FoxPro for Windows.

    A. If you are having installation problems, check the following:

        - Install FoxPro from the original Program Manager shell only.
          Don't try to install FoxPro from a replacement shell, such
          as Norton Desktop for Windows or other similar programs.

        - Make certain you have disabled all terminate-and-stay-resident
          (TSR) programs, such as virus-protection programs, screen-saver
          programs, and so on. Generally, TSR programs are disabled by
          "commenting out" (placing a semicolon [;] in front of) the
          appropriate LOAD= and RUN= lines in the WIN.INI file.

13. Q. What is the best tool for editing the WIN.INI file?

    A. Use the NotePad program, located in the Windows Accessories
       group, or the MS-DOS Editor program.

14. Q. If I modify my WIN.INI file is it advisable to restart Windows?

    A. Yes, because after you have modified the WIN.INI file, changes
       made to it aren't reflected in the current environment until
       you restart Windows. There are some exceptions, but if you are
       troubleshooting, restarting Windows ensures that all changes
       are reflected in the current environment.

15. Q. Can I delete the directory named "~msstfqf.t"?

    A. Yes. The "~msstfqf.t" directory is created during setup.
       Ordinarily, this directory is deleted at the end of
       installation process, so it is okay to delete it.

Video/Memory Related Setup

16. Q. I get the error message "Insufficient memory" when trying to
       load FoxPro for Windows. How do I correct this problem?

    A. Increase the amount of memory available to Windows by doing one
       of the following:

        - Add more RAM to your computer. This will give you the best

        - If you have modified Windows so that it does not use a swap
          file, create a temporary or permanent swap file.

        - If you are using a temporary swap file (which Windows uses by
          default), increase the amount of free space on the swap file
          drive. This will allow the swap file to grow to a larger size.
          Temporary swap files are slower than permanent swap files,
          but only occupy space on the hard disk while Windows is running.

        - If you are using a permanent swap file, create a larger one.
          In Windows 3.0, you can modify permanent swap files by running
          SWAPFILE.EXE in real mode. In Windows 3.1, you can modify swap
          files by choosing the 386 Enhanced icon in the Control Panel and
          then choosing the Virtual Memory button. Permanent swap files
          are faster than temporary swap files, but they occupy disk space
          even when Windows is not running. Also, a permanent swap file
          cannot be used on a drive that uses a disk-compression utility,
          such as DoubleSpace, Stacker(R), or SuperStor(TM).

        - If you are using a MEMLIMIT statement in your CONFIG.FPW file,
          reduce the minimum memory parameter.

17. Q. When using my LANtastic(R) network card, I get a memory
       conflict when loading FoxPro for Windows. How can I avoid this

    A. This error can be avoided by putting emmexclude=d800-dfff in
       the SYSTEM.INI file in the Windows directory.

18. Q. When using a Paradise video driver, I get a memory conflict
       when trying to load FoxPro for Windows. How can I avoid this

    A. This error can be avoided by putting emmexclude=c600-c800 in
       the SYSTEM.INI file in the Windows directory.

19. Q. When I use QEMM386 memory manager with FoxPro for Windows, I
       get a memory conflict. How can I avoid this?

    A. This error can be avoided by putting emmexclude=c0ff-c7ff in
       the SYSTEM.INI file in the Windows directory.

20. Q. When I use the Mach32 video card with my Gateway 2000, I get a
       "General Protection Fault in module MACH32.DRV at 0003:0E22"
       error message. How can I fix this error?

    A. You are experiencing a problem with your video driver. Contact
       your video card vendor for the most recent version of the
       driver. In the meantime, you can use the VGA.DRV or the
       8514.DRV drivers that come with Windows.

21. Q. I understand that a number of video drivers do not work
       properly with FoxPro for Windows. Why is this, and what steps
       should I take to resolve the situation?

    A. FoxPro for Windows makes intensive use of screen I/O and
       requires that video drivers support a complete implementation
       of the Windows video driver standard. If you experience general
       protection (GP) faults or display problems with borders, status
       bars, fonts, or unusual alignment when you preview reports, you
       may have a problem with your video driver.

       To test for video driver problems, load one of the standard
       Windows video drivers and go through the steps to reproduce the
       problem. If the problem no longer exists when you are using a
       standard Windows video driver, it's very likely that the old
       driver was the cause of the problem.

       We have identified problems with the following video card

          ATI Ultra Graphics Pro (local bus) - caused GP fault, fixed
          with update.
          AST(R) Power Premium 486 w/VGA on motherboard, fixed with
          COMPAQ(R) QVision
          Dell(R) 486/20 with VGA on motherboard
          Genoa 7900 MM card
          NEC(R) 2A
          Speed Star 24x
          Trident 8900C
          TIGA(R) 1024 x 768 x 256 small fonts

       Contact your video card vendor for the most recent version of
       the driver for your card. In the meantime, you can use the
       VGA.DRV or the 8514.DRV video drivers that come with Windows. 

Additional query words: FoxWin 2.50 ivrfax fasttips appnote kbFile

Keywords          : kbsample kbsetup FoxWin 
Version           : 2.50
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: August 3, 1999