HOWTO: Insert a Line into a Text File Using Low-level File FunctionsID: Q234212
You can add lines of a text into a text file by creating a function using the code in the MORE INFORMATION section of this article.
Save the following code to a program (PRG) file. The calling convention is :
Syntax: InsertText(expC1, expN, expC2)
Parameters: expC1 The file into which text is inserted
expN The line number after which text is inserted
expC2 The text to be inserted
Returns: Numeric
*-- Function InsertLine
*-- Description: Inserts text into a file at a specified line
*-- Parameters:
*-- lsFileName - The file into which text is inserted
*-- liLineNum - The line number after which text is inserted
*-- lsText - The text to be inserted
*-- Returns:
*-- -1 = File could not be opened
*-- -2 = Text insertion failed
*-- -3 = File could not be closed
Function InsertLine
Parameter lsFileName, liLineNum, lsText
liFile = Fopen(lsFileName, 12)
If liFile = -1
Return -1
*-- Loop until we get to the desired line
For i = 1 To liLineNum
*-- Insert the text
liRc = Fputs(liFile, lsText)
If liRc = 0
Return -2
*-- Clean up
llRc = Fclose(liFile)
If !llRc
Return -3
Return 1
© Microsoft Corporation 1999, All Rights Reserved.
Contributions by Mike A. Stewart, Microsoft Corporation
Additional query words: Add data low-level low level
Keywords : kbVFp300 kbVFp300b kbVFp500 kbVFp500a kbVFp600 kbXBase kbGrpFox kbDSupport
Version : MACINTOSH:3.0b; WINDOWS:2.6,2.6a,3.0,3.0b,5.0,5.0a,6.0
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: June 24, 1999