ID: Q114884
Below is the complete FoxPro for MS-DOS PSSKB.TXT file found in the main FoxPro directory (usually FOXPRO25).
Answers to Commonly Asked Questions About
Microsoft(R) FoxPro(R) for MS-DOS (R) Version 2.5a
(C)1993 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Part Description ---- -----------
1 Installation 2 Network Issues 3 Converting from FoxPro 2.0 to FoxPro 2.5 for MS-DOS 4 New Features 5 Printing Issues 6 Screens 7 Importing Data 8 BROWSE Command 9 Creating Applications 10 Product Support
1 Why does the FoxPro installation sometimes stop before
allowing the installation of optional components?
2 How do I install additional files that I didn't
specify during installation?
3 Why does FoxPro reboot during the installation process?
4 What MS-DOS BUFFERS and FILES statements are appropriate
for FoxPro for MS-DOS?
5 Does FoxPro 2.5 for MS-DOS operate with the DOS
Protected Mode Interface (DPMI)?
6 What factors influence FoxPro startup speed?
7 I'm receiving the error message "Too many files open."
How can I correct this problem?
8 The Standard Version of FoxPro 2.5 for MS-DOS runs
correctly on my computer, but when I load the 32-bit
Extended version I receive the error message "Incompatible
memory manager." What is causing this problem?
9 I am receiving the error message "RUN/! command failed."
How can I correct this problem?
10 Why do I have several files with the extension .TMP on
my disk?
11 When I try to start up a second instance of FoxPro 2.5
for MS-DOS within Windows, I get the error "Cannot
Access File at this Time." This only happens when the
version of FoxPro resides on my local drive.
Question 1
Why does the FoxPro installation sometimes stop before allowing the installation of optional components?
Answer 1
Sometimes in low memory conditions the installation program is unable to determine whether to run the Standard (FOXPRO.EXE) or the 32-bit Extended (FOXPROX.EXE) version to complete the installation. If you're installing from within Windows, you can exit Windows to make more memory available. If you have any TSR programs residing in memory, removing them from memory may free additional memory. For information on installing optional components after you have installed FoxPro, see Question 2 in this section.
Question 2
How do I install additional files that I didn't specify during installation?
Answer 2
Restart FoxPro by typing FOX at the MS-DOS prompt and pressing Enter. Insert any one of the product disks into drive A and enter the following command in the FoxPro Command window:
You are prompted to insert the disk or disks that
contain the additional files you want to install. If you
are attempting to install from a drive other than drive A,
you are instructed to select another source drive
after the "Abort, Retry, Fail?" message.
Question 3
Why does FoxPro reboot during the installation process?
Answer 3
You could have an anti-virus program running, a memory conflict, or an old video driver. Disable any anti-virus program or old video driver and retry the installation of optional components as described in Question 2, above. Make sure you are excluding areas of memory required to load video drivers or network cards. For example, if you are loading EMM386 in your CONFIG.SYS file, the "X=D800-DFFF" parameter in the following device driver load command in MS-DOS will reserve those memory segments:
If you are using an older version of your video card
driver, contact the manufacturer.
If you are installing from within Windows, try using a different video driver (for example, the generic VGA driver, VGA.DRV) and run with no old video drivers loaded in the AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files.
Question 4
What MS-DOS BUFFERS and FILES statements are appropriate for FoxPro for MS-DOS?
Answer 4
For best performance with FoxPro when the SMARTDRV device driver is loaded, set BUFFERS to 10 in the CONFIG.SYS file. Anything more is redundant, taking up valuable memory that FoxPro could use for processing.
If you don't use a disk cache program such as SMARTDRV, you should allocate enough MS-DOS buffers to hold all of the directory entries in the subdirectory where you will be working. Setting BUFFERS to 40 is usually sufficient as long as the number of files in a subdirectory remains below 250.
The FILES statement should always be at least 10 more than the greatest number of files that you will have open at one time. We recommend that you set FILES to 40 or greater.
Question 5
Can I run the FoxPro 2.5 32-bit Extended version in Enhanced Mode Windows or with EMM386 with the NOEMS option?
Answer 5
Yes. FoxPro 2.5 works with DPMI-compliant memory managers, such as Microsoft Windows and EMM386. If you use a DPMI memory manager, you can control the physical memory that FoxPro uses by specifying the MEMLIMIT option in your CONFIG.FP file. For more information on the MEMLIMIT option, refer to the Update manual and to "Changes to Documentation Since Printing" in Help.
Question 6
What factors influence FoxPro startup speed?
Answer 6
The time required to load and start FoxPro relates to the physical size of FoxPro, the length of the path in effect, the number of items FoxPro has to locate at startup, and other factors. You can control many of these items. For a complete discussion of this issue, refer to "Optimizing Your System" in the Installation and Configuration manual.
Question 7
I'm receiving the error message "Too many files open." How can I correct this problem?
Answer 7
If you receive this error message, use one or more of the following strategies:
* Increase the FILES setting in the CONFIG.SYS file. * If you are using a Novell network, increase the FILE
HANDLES setting in the SHELL.CFG file.
* If you are using the MS-DOS SHARE program, increase the
number of files and locks. For example, you could use
SHARE /F: 4096 /L:500 in the CONFIG.SYS file.
Question 8
The Standard version of FoxPro 2.5 for MS-DOS runs correctly on my computer, but when I load the 32-bit Extended version I receive the error message "Incompatible memory manager." What's causing this problem?
Answer 8
When you configure your memory manager, verify that it can use extended memory, and that the proper switches are set. For further information on the 32-bit Extended version of FoxPro, refer to "Optimizing Your System" in the Installation and Configuration Guide.
Question 9
I'm receiving the error message "RUN/! command failed." How can I correct this problem?
Answer 9
Make sure your CONFIG.SYS file contains this line:
SHELL = C:\<path>\COMMAND.COM C:\<path>\ /P /E:1024
Also, make sure that the correct version of COMMAND.COM
resides in the specified directory.
If the SHELL line shown here is already in your CONFIG.SYS file, then you've received this error because FoxPro doesn't have enough conventional memory to execute the RUN command. If this is the case, use RUN /0 DIR instead of RUN DIR. RUN /0 automatically loads FoxSwap, which makes all available conventional memory accessible to FoxPro. For more information on the RUN command and FoxSwap, refer to "RUN|! Commands" in Help.
Question 10
Why do I have several files with the extension .TMP on my disk?
Answer 10
Every time you load FoxPro, it creates temporary (.TMP) files. These files are automatically deleted when you exit FoxPro with a normal shutdown. However, .TMP files still exist if you reboot the machine from within FoxPro, or if you don't have delete rights in the directory where the files reside. Exit FoxPro and acquire the rights to delete all these files. One caution: Other programs, such as Windows, also create .TMP files. To be safe, make sure no other applications are active when you delete .TMP files.
Question 11
When I try to start up a second instance of FoxPro 2.5 for MS-DOS within Windows, I get the error "Cannot access file at this time." This only happens when the version of FoxPro resides on my local drive.
Answer 11
The MS-DOS SHARE program is the most common cause of this problem. Current workarounds include marking the FoxPro FOXPRO.EXE and FOXPROX.EXE files read only, running under Windows for Workgroups, or running a copy of FoxPro from a network location.
1 When a second user loads Microsoft FoxPro for MS-DOS
on my network, the user receives the error message
"File in use by another." How can I correct this
2 In a network environment, where does FoxPro create
temporary files?
Question 1
When a second user loads Microsoft FoxPro for MS-DOS on my network, the user receives the error message "File in use by another." How can I correct this problem?
Answer 1
If you are on a peer-to-peer network other than Windows for Workgroups, you must first load MS-DOS SHARE and then verify that the FoxPro files are marked as read only.
FoxPro uses a resource file called FOXUSER to store information about windows, color sets, and other FoxPro objects. The FOXUSER database can be shared only if the file is marked read only. If you receive this error message when you try to open a database file, make sure that all users have the SET EXCLUSIVE setting OFF.
Question 2
In a network environment, where does FoxPro create temporary files?
Answer 2
FoxPro creates temporary files in the current working directory unless you specifically designate an alternate location by including one or more of the EDITWORK, SORTWORK, PROGWORK and/or TMPFILES statements in the CONFIG.FP file.
If local workstations have sizable hard drives with plenty of free space or have large amounts of RAM, you can improve performance in the multiuser environment by placing FoxPro temporary work files on the local drive or on a RAM drive. Redirecting these files to a local drive or a RAM drive provides additional speed by reducing the need to access the network drive.
On small networks that have older workstations with slow hard drives, you might experience better performance by leaving FoxPro temporary files on the file server. When in doubt, direct temporary files to the local hard drive.
1 Are my existing FoxPro 2.0 screens and reports
compatible with FoxPro 2.5?
2 Can I use my existing library files created with the
FoxPro 2.0 Library Construction Kit in FoxPro 2.5?
3 Are my existing programs compiled under FoxPro 2.0
compatible with FoxPro 2.5?
Question 1
Are my existing FoxPro 2.0 screens and reports compatible with FoxPro 2.5?
Answer 1
The structures of the databases created by the power tools have changed in FoxPro 2.5. When you first open screen and report files created in FoxPro 2.0, FoxPro 2.5 ask if you want to convert them to FoxPro 2.5 format. This conversion is a one-way process -- files that have been converted to 2.5 formats may no longer be opened in 2.0. You may want to make backups before converting. For more information about specific FoxPro 2.5 file formats, see "Tables" in the Update manual.
Question 2
Can I use my existing library files created with the FoxPro 2.0 Library Construction Kit in FoxPro 2.5?
Answer 2
Library files created with the FoxPro 2.0 Library Construction Kit must be relinked before they can be used in FoxPro 2.5.
The directory FOXPRO25\GOODIES\LCKUPDAT contains files that allow you to update PLBs built using the FoxPro 2.0 Library Construction Kit for use with FoxPro 2.5 for MS-DOS. If you obtained your PLBs from another source, such as a software supplier or online service, contact that source for updated libraries that work with FoxPro 2.5. To use these files, follow the directions in the LCKUPDAT.TXT file located in the FOXPRO25\GOODIES\LCKUPDAT directory.
Question 3
Are my existing programs compiled under FoxPro 2.0 compatible with FoxPro 2.5?
Answer 3
Programs compiled under FoxPro 2.0, such as .APP and .FXP files, are not compatible with FoxPro 2.5. To run such applications or programs in FoxPro 2.5, you must rebuild or recompile them. For more information about rebuilding FoxPro 2.0 applications, see "Using Files From Other Platforms" in the Update manual.
1 FoxPro 2.0 supported 25 work areas. Has this limit been
raised in FoxPro 2.5?
2 Are additional file types supported for direct import
into FoxPro?
3 What language enhancements have been made to FoxPro
4 I have heard a great deal of discussion about cross-
platform application development. Is this capability
a reality with FoxPro 2.5?
Question 1
FoxPro 2.0 supported 25 work areas. Has this limit been raised in 2.5?
Answer 1
Yes. Both FoxPro 2.5 for Windows and the 32-bit Extended version of FoxPro 2.5 for MS-DOS support 225 work areas.
Question 2
Are additional file types supported for direct import into FoxPro?
Answer 2
Yes. We have added support for importing files from Microsoft Excel 3.0, Microsoft Excel 4.0, Paradox 3.5, and Paradox 4.0.
Question 3
What language enhancements have been made to FoxPro 2.5?
Answer 3
FoxPro 2.5 contains additional generator directives, new system memory variables, and new and enhanced commands and functions. For a complete listing of new features in FoxPro 2.5, refer to the Update manual.
Question 4
I've heard a great deal of discussion about cross- platform application development. Is this capability a reality with FoxPro 2.5?
Answer 4
Yes. FoxPro 2.5 allows you to create and maintain applications that run on multiple platforms, such as Windows and MS-DOS, and share data with full record locking and other multiuser capabilities. An application that can run on multiple platforms is a cross-platform application.
There are several different approaches to writing cross- platform applications in FoxPro. You can run your MS-DOS applications directly in Windows without changing the applications. Another option automatically takes your application from one platform and transports it to another without any additional coding. Transporting is designed for applications developed with the FoxPro power tools: Screen Builder, Menu Builder, Report Writer, and Label Designer. The third approach allows you to transport your application from one environment to another while maintaining separate interfaces for your application on each platform.
For a detailed discussion and examples of these three options refer to "Using Files From Other Platforms" in the Update manual.
1 When I try to print boxes, ASCII characters are printed
instead of boxes. How can I correct this problem?
2 I'm using the Relational Query By Example (RQBE)
system to send data to a report. The data in the report
is incorrect; the report prints the same record over
and over. How can I correct this problem?
3 Why can't I select the printer driver check box in the
Printer Setup Dialog box?
4 I'm using a Novell network. I can print by using the
Novell CAPTURE command, but the SET PRINTER TO \\SPOOLER
command doesn't work. How can I correct this problem?
5 I can't make the printer drivers work in an executable
file. How can I correct this problem?
Question 1
When I try to print boxes, ASCII characters are printed instead of boxes. How can I correct this problem?
Answer 1
If you are using an HP laserjet printer, the default character set does not include line drawing characters. You can change the default character set by using the controls on the front panel of the printer. You will want to set your default to the PC-8 character set.
If you are not using an HP laserjet printer and are using printer drivers, in the Printer Setup dialog, specify a printer setup appropriate for your printer. If you are already using a printer driver, modify the P_CODES database in order to send the proper code for your printer, and rebuild the GENPD.APP file. If you aren't using a printer driver, send the proper escape codes to the printer before you print using the ??? command.
Question 2
I'm using the Relational Query By Example (RQBE) system to send data to a report. The data in the report is incorrect; the report prints the same record over and over. How can I correct this problem?
Answer 2
When you created the report, you used alias names in your field definitions. To correct the report, simply remove the alias names. For example, a field containing CUSTOMER.NAME should be modified to contain only NAME.
Question 3
Why can't I select the printer driver check box in the Printer Setup dialog box?
Answer 3
This problem occurs if you are missing the GENPD.APP file, if the _GENPD memory variable is set incorrectly, if the resource file is turned off, or if the FOXUSER file is missing, damaged, or marked as read only.
Question 4
I'm using a Novell network. I can print by using the Novell CAPTURE command, but the SET PRINTER TO \\SPOOLER command doesn't work. How can I correct this problem?
Answer 4
If you are receiving the error message "Printer not ready," make sure that there are no spaces before or after the \\SPOOLER clauses of SET PRINTER. If the printer information doesn't print until you exit FoxPro, you must issue the SET PRINT TO command in order to release the print spooler.
Question 5
I can't make the printer drivers work in an executable file. How can I correct this problem?
Answer 5
Open the project to make sure that the GENPD.APP file is included in the project as an application. If it isn't included, add GENPD.APP to the project as an application.
To add GENPD.APP as an application, choose the Add push button. In the dialog that appears, choose Application from the Type popup, select GENPD.APP and then choose the Add push button.
Note: GENPD.APP is automatically marked as an excluded project element.
Rebuild the project and your executable file. Make sure that you distribute the GENPD.APP, FOXUSER.DBF, FOXUSER.FPT, and FOXSWAP.COM files with your executable file.
1 Every time I try to generate a specific screen, I have
to add my supporting screens to the screen set. How
can I avoid this problem?
2 When I create a screen set with more than one window,
how do I move the cursor from one window to the next?
Question 1
Every time I try to generate a specific screen, I have to add my supporting screens to the screen set. How can I avoid this problem?
Answer 1
To save these options, you must create a project and include the screens as a screen set.
Question 2
When I create a screen set with more than one window, how do I move the cursor from one window to the next?
Answer 2
If all the windows in your screen set are controlled with one READ command, use the Page Up key, the Page Down key, or modify the value of the _CUROBJ system memory variable to cycle through the windows of your screen set. If any one of the windows in your screen set is not controlled by the READ command, such as a Browse window, then you must press CTRL+F1 to cycle through the screen set.
Question 1
How do I import a data file into Microsoft FoxPro for MS-DOS?
Answer 1
To import a data file, use either the IMPORT command or the APPEND FROM command. If you're receiving the error message "String too long to fit," make sure that no "field" in the source data file exceeds the field capacity for a FoxPro table. See the System Capacities topic in Help for additional information. A wide range of file formats is supported. See the Language Reference manual for a complete list of the supported file formats.
1 I modified the structure of my database, but when I
use the BROWSE command to view the file, I don't see
the changes. How can I correct this problem?
2 When I press the CTRL+N key combination in my program
to append a new record in the Browse window, I get the
musical note instead. How can I correct this problem?
Question 1
I modified the structure of my database, but when I use the BROWSE command to view the file, I don't see the changes. How can I correct this problem?
Answer 1
You are most likely using the BROWSE command from the System menu or the View panel, or you are issuing a BROWSE LAST or BROWSE PREFERENCE command from the Command window. To see these structural changes, you must first issue a plain BROWSE command from the Command window to display the new default representation of the database.
Question 2
When I press the CTRL+N key combination in my program to append a new record in the Browse window, I get the musical note instead. How can I correct this problem?
Answer 2
CTRL+N is a shortcut key combination associated with the System menu. In your program, you must issue the SET SYSMENU ON command and/or use a BROWSE command instead of the BROWSE NOMENU command.
1 I've created an application that doesn't allow me to
edit my database files. How can I correct this problem?
2 Why can't I build an executable file from within my
project? The options to do so are dimmed and
3 When I attempt to build an executable file, I receive
the error message "Link command failed." How can I
correct this problem?
4 My executable file runs correctly under the development
version, but I receive the error message "Feature not
available" under the stand-alone version. How can I
correct this problem?
Question 1
I've created an application that does not allow me to edit my database files. How can I correct this problem?
Answer 1
Mark your database as excluded in the project, then rebuild your application. You must distribute these files to your end users. Including the database in the project automatically makes these files read only.
Question 2
Why can't I build an executable file from within my project? The options to do so are dimmed and unavailable.
Answer 2
To build an executable file, you must purchase the Microsoft FoxPro Distribution Kit and install it in your FoxPro directory. Prior to installing the FoxPro Distribution Kit, make sure that the FoxPro files are not marked as read only.
Question 3
When I attempt to build an executable file, I receive the error message "Link command failed." How can I correct this problem?
Answer 3
If you receive this error message, check the following items:
* Make sure that you have enough conventional memory. * Make sure that you have enough disk space. * Increase the number of file handles available to FoxPro.
To do this, you can increase the FILES setting in the
CONFIG.SYS file or increase the FILE HANDLES setting in
the SHELL.CFG file. This is specific to Novell networks.
* Make sure that FoxPro can find your COMMAND.COM file.
* Make sure that the following files are on your path:
* If you are running the 32-bit Extended Version of FoxPro,
make sure that DOSMEM isn't set to ON in your CONFIG.FP
file. For more information on DOSMEM, refer to "Customizing
FoxPro" in the Installation and Configuration guide.
Question 4
My executable file runs correctly under the development version, but I receive the error message "Feature not available" under the stand-alone version. How can I correct this problem?
Answer 4
First, check the "Features Not Available" list in the FoxPro Distribution Kit documentation. Certain features used for development aren't available in the applications and executables you create. If you still encounter problems, it's possible that you're using macro substitution in your program. The recommended workaround is to set up a statement which causes the compiler to see the possible options for the macro-substituted commands so that they will be compiled into the .EXE file. For example:
IF .F.
This code allows the compiler to see the MODIFY REPORT and
MODIFY LABEL commands, but because it is never executed,
the report and label names can be meaningless (dummy).
1 Where can I go for additional pre-sale information
on Microsoft Fox products such as pricing, upgrade
policies, release dates, and so on?
2 Where can I go for additional FoxPro product support?
3 If I call for support or post a message on the Fox
Forum, what information should I include?
4 I have a hearing impairment. Where can I go for
additional FoxPro product support?
5 I have some specific comments and suggestions on
Microsoft Fox products. Where can I direct these
Question 1
Where can I go for additional pre-sale information on Microsoft Fox products such as pricing, upgrade policies, release dates, and so on?
Answer 1
In the United States, call 800-426-9400.
Question 2
Where can I go for additional FoxPro product support?
Answer 2
Call *Microsoft FastTips* to hear recorded responses to common questions about Microsoft FoxPro. You can also order technical notes that will be sent to your fax machine. FastTips is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. For assistance with FoxPro, dial 425-635-7190.
Call *Microsoft Technical Support* between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Pacific time, Monday through Friday. For assistance with Microsoft Fox products for MS-DOS or for Windows, call 425-635-7191. For assistance with Microsoft Fox products for the Macintosh, call 425-635-7192.
Microsoft support services are subject to Microsoft prices, terms, and conditions that are in place at the time the service is used.
Question 3
If I call for support or post a message on the FoxForum, what information should I include?
Answer 3
When you call, you should be at your computer and have the appropriate product documentation at hand. Be prepared to give the following information:
* The version number and platform of the Microsoft Fox
product you are using.
This can be obtained by typing ?VERSION(1) in the Command
window for FoxPro or at the dot prompt in FoxBASE+.
* The type of hardware you are using, including network
hardware if applicable; and the operating environment
that you are using.
* The contents of the following files: CONFIG.FP or
configuration files.
* The exact wording of any messages that appeared on your
* A description of what happened and what you were doing
when the problem occurred.
* Can you reproduce the problem using a small number of
* What steps have you already taken to solve the problem?
Question 4
I have a hearing impairment. Where can I go for additional FoxPro product support?
Answer 4
Microsoft Technical Support is available for the hearing impaired. Using a special TDD/TT modem, dial 425-635-4948 between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Pacific time, Monday through Friday.
Microsoft support services are subject to Microsoft prices, terms, and conditions that are in place at the time the service is used.
Question 5
I have some specific comments and suggestions on Microsoft Fox products. Where can I direct these comments?
Answer 5
We'd like to hear your comments about Microsoft Fox products and services. Help us make future versions of Microsoft Fox products even better by calling, sending a fax, dropping us a note, or sending electronic mail. Your feedback will be considered in developing future versions of Microsoft FoxPro.
Call 425-936-9474 and leave your comments using a touch-tone phone 24 hours a day.
Fax 425-936-7329 and provide detailed comments 24 hours a day.
Send a note to:
Microsoft FoxPro WishLine
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
If you have access to the Internet, send electronic mail to:
Additional query words: FoxDos 2.50a 2.50b setup novel
Keywords : kbreadme kbsetup
Version : 2.50a 2.50b
Platform : MS-DOS
Last Reviewed: December 10, 1998