Problems with Microsoft Mouse, Windows, and PC Tools

ID: Q77352

6.x 7.x 8.x 9.00 MS-DOS kbhw kb3rdparty -------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Mouse Driver for MS-DOS, versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, and 9.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOMS ======== The Microsoft Mouse doesn't work in some applications if PC Tools is installed on the system. CAUSE ===== This problem occurs because PC Tools sometimes disables the Microsoft Mouse. WORKAROUND ========== The PC Tools /ps2 switch may solve this problem. MORE INFORMATION ================ Running PC Tools Under MS-DOS ----------------------------- If PC Tools is loaded in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, include the PC Tools command line switch /ps2 at the end of any PC Tools lines. For example: PCShell /rt /ps2 Reboot the machine, then try using the Microsoft Mouse again. If PC Tools is being executed from the MS-DOS command line, include the PC Tools command line switch /ps2 at the end of the executable statement. For example c:\pctools> pcshell /ps2 Running PC Tools Under Windows ------------------------------ If you are running PC Tools from Microsoft Windows, do the following: 1. Click once on the PC Tools icon so that it is highlighted. 2. From the Windows Program Manager File menu, choose Properties. 3. In the Command Line box, add the /ps2 switch to the end of the command line. The product included here is manufactured by a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability. KBCategory: kbhw kb3rdparty KBSubcategory: Additional reference words: win31 win30 8.0 8.00 PCTools 8.10 8.20 9.00

Keywords          : 
Version           : 6.x 7.x 8.x 9.00
Platform          : MS-DOS 
Issue type        : 

Last Reviewed: September 16, 1996