Cannot Disable Script Debugging in Internet Explorer

ID: Q224926

The information in this article applies to:


When you disable script debugging in Internet Explorer and you view a Web page that contains script errors, you may continue to be prompted to debug the script.


This issue can occur if you have Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0 installed on your computer and it is configured to debug scripts running in other programs.


To resolve this issue, use the following steps:

  1. Open Visual InterDev 6.0.

  2. On the Tools menu, click Options.

  3. Double-click Debugger to expand the branch, and then click General.

  4. Under Script, click to clear the Attach to programs running on this machine check box.


This behavior is by design.

Additional query words: vid msie

Keywords          : kbenv kbinterop msiew95 msient msiew98 
Version           : WINDOWS:5
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: April 28, 1999