Description of the "IE Setup Log.txt" File
ID: Q218634
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 for Windows 98
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5 for Windows 95
This article describes the "IE Setup Log.txt" file that is created when you install Internet Explorer 5.
You can use the "IE Setup Log.txt" file to help you troubleshoot Internet Explorer 5 Setup issues. This log is generated by ACME Setup and is separated into pass sections. The "IE Setup Log.txt" file (located in the Windows folder) can be used to identify what caused Setup not to succeed, and during which phase. The log is intended to give a step-by-step view of the Setup process, and an in-depth analysis of Setup issues.
This article contains typical "IE Setup Log.txt" files, with
descriptions of the important entries. Note that the entries in the log
correspond directly to the progress of the Internet Explorer Setup
process. The log can be divided into passes. Each pass header is surrounded by brackets and lists the time the pass started and the pass number (for example: [16:22:28 Start of Pass: 1]).
Beneath the pass header is usually one or two lines briefly describing the function of the pass. At the end of the pass is a completion line. The successful completion of each step is logged with one of the following flags:
Completed Successfully
The following sample passes provide examples of what to expect. Large passes may not be shown in their entirety.
Sample Log File
Microsoft Setup Log File Opened 02/19/99 12:06:20
Version number:
Running under Windows 95
Pass 0
This pass contains the command line to create the "IE Setup Log.txt" file.
[12:06:20 Start of Pass: 0]
Command Line: /T nashbase.stf /S C:\WINDOWS\MSDOWNLD.TMP\AS09B470.TMP\ /QT /g "C:\WINDOWS\IE Setup Log.Txt"
Pass 1
This pass processes the header information from the Nashbase.stf file.
[12:06:20 Start of Pass: 1]
Floppy mode
Processing the header information of the file: C:\WINDOWS\MSDOWNLD.TMP\AS09B470.TMP\nashbase.stf
Application name: IE4.DLL
Application version: 5.00.2014.0213(1033)
Dialog caption base: Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Tools
Frame caption: Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Tools
Frame bitmap: ie4.dll, 102
Modules: Themes, Desktop Theme Selector
HLP file name: acmsetup.hlp
INF file name: iebase.inf
MSApps mode: local
Passes 2 to 4
Passes 2 to 4 are typically empty.
[12:06:21 Start of Pass: 2]
[12:06:21 Start of Pass: 3]
[12:06:21 Start of Pass: 4]
Pass 5
During this pass, if Internet Explorer 5 is being installed on a computer with a previous version of Internet Explorer, it is noted that Setup is copying Internet Explorer 5 files over the previous version.
[12:06:22 Start of Pass: 5]
Object 1 - Setup is replacing an older version of Microsoft Internet Explorer in the folder: C:\program files\Internet Explorer\.
Pass 6
In this pass, Jobexec is initializing. Jobexec parses the IEsetup.cif file and gives instructions to Inseng.dll.
[12:06:22 Start of Pass: 6]
Phase = camfInitializeObject
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 1
CamfFriendlyName for jobexec: Initializing
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Pass 7
Propagation of the destination folder for the Setup files.
[12:06:22 Start of Pass: 7]
Phase = camfCalcDstDir
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 1
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Phase = camfPropagateDstDir
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 1
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Phase = camfGetCost
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 1
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Pass 8
[12:06:23 Start of Pass: 8]
Pass 9
[12:06:23 Start of Pass: 9]
Phase = camfCheckObjectIBSE
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 1
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Phase = camfSetModeOfObject
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 1
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Pass 10
Cryptography checking.
[12:06:24 Start of Pass: 10]
Phase = camfCheckObjectIBSE
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 1
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Phase = camfCheckObjectIBSE
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 1
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Phase = camfSetModeOfObject
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 1
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Phase = camfFinalizeObject
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 1
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Begin Custom Action: ShortPath
End Custom Action: ShortPath
Begin Custom Action: IsSP4LevelCryptoInstalled
Version of C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\crypt32.dll: 5.101.1743.1
SP4 level crypto is not installed.
End Custom Action: IsSP4LevelCryptoInstalled
Begin Custom Action: SaveChannelFolder
ChannelFolderName already exists.
LinkFolderName already exists.
End Custom Action: SaveChannelFolder
Begin Custom Action: UpdateVersionOnFile
Fileversion :C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\iepeers.dll: :50000:38e051a
End Custom Action: UpdateVersionOnFile
Pass 11
This pass records the backing up of files from the previous version of Internet Explorer and specifies the location to whch the files are backed up.
[12:06:26 Start of Pass: 11]
Phase = camfAddToCopyList
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 1
CamfFriendlyName for jobexec: Backing up current configuration
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Begin Custom Action: FileSave
Date: 02/19/1999 (mm/dd/yyyy) Time: 12:06:26 (hh:mm:ss)
Backup directory: C:\program files\Internet Explorer\
File to process: C:\WINDOWS\Help\APPS.HLP
File to process: C:\Program Files\Common\Files\MicrosoftShared\TextConv\HTML32.CNV
Date: 02/19/1999 (mm/dd/yyyy) Time: 12:08:14 (hh:mm:ss)
End Custom Action: FileSave
Pass 12
12:08:14 Start of Pass: 12]
Phase = camfGetNonCopyListCost
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 1
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Begin Custom Action: RegSave
Key Software\Microsoft\IE Setup\Setup\IERegBackup successfully saved as file: C:\PROGRA~2\INTERN~1\ie4regun
File C:\PROGRA~2\INTERN~1\ie4regun successfully loaded as hive: ie4regun
Begin Custom Action: RegSave
Pass 13
[12:08:21 Start of Pass: 13]
Phase = camfAddBillBoards
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 0
CamfFriendlyName for jobexec: Copying files
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Begin Custom Action: RegSave
ie4regun: key flushed
ie4regun: key unloaded
Reg uninstall info written to key: Software\Microsoft\IE\Setup\Setup
Pass 14
In this pass, uncompressed files are copied from the temporary folder to which they were extracted into the specified folder. The .cab files are extracted from the temporary download folder into the specified folder.
[12:08:25 Start of Pass: 14]
Overwriting file: 'C:\program files\Internet Explorer\IE4.DLL'
Uncompressed copy file: 'C:\WINDOWS\MSDOWNLD.TMP\AS09B470.TMP\IE4.DLL' to: 'C:\program files\Internet Explorer\IE4.DLL' Succeeded
Uncompressed copy file: 'C:\WINDOWS\MSDOWNLD.TMP\AS09B470.TMP\ACMSETUP.EXE' to: 'C:\program files\Internet Explorer\Setup\SETUP.EXE' Succeeded
Uncompressed copy file: 'C:\WINDOWS\MSDOWNLD.TMP\AS09B470.TMP\IEBASE.INF' to: 'C:\program files\Internet Explorer\Setup\IEBASE.INF' Succeeded
Pass 15
This pass contains all of the registry keys created and populated by Setup. The following sample contains only the first few lines of this section.
After an entry has been completed successfully, the word "succeded" is display at the end of the entry.
[12:08:51 Start of Pass: 15]
Phase = camfDoNonVisualMods
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 0
CamfFriendlyName for jobexec: Updating configuration
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Writing registry key value: key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\IE Setup\Setup; value name = SourcePath; value = C:\WINDOWS\MSDOWNLD.TMP\AS09B470.TMP\; Succeeded.
Creating registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\IE40'; Succeeded.
Writing registry key value: key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\IE40; value name = DisplayName; value = Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Tools; Succeeded.
Pass 16
This pass checks the encryption level of the previous browser.
[12:08:54 Start of Pass: 16]
Phase = camfDoVisualMods
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 0
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Begin Custom Action: Install128Schannel
128-bit version of schannel.dll not found
End Custom Action: Install128Schannel
Begin Custom Action: InstallRSAEnh
128-bit version of rsaenh.dll not found
File Deleted: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\enhsig.dll
End Custom Action: InstallRSAEnh
Pass 17
This pass logs the post-installation functions such as updating per-user settings (the user profiles, not your personal settings) and notes in the registry that Setup has finished successfully.
[12:08:55 Start of Pass: 17]
Phase = camfPostInstall
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 0
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Begin Custom Action: WizExec
'WINHLP32.EXE -S WINDOWS.HLP' completed successfully
End Custom Action: WizExec
Begin Custom Action: Install - SetDependencyOnPstore
Begin Custom Action: ProcessPerUserSection: Installed szData:1;{89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383}; Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Tools ;C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IE4UINIT.EXE; en ; 5,00,2014,0213
SetPerUserSecValues Succeeded.
End Custom Action: ProcessPerUserSection
Begin Custom Action: ProcessPerUserSection: Installed
End Custom Action: ProcessPerUserSection
Begin Custom Action: AddRegAtFinalPhase
End Custom Action: AddRegAtFinalPhase
Begin Custom Action: EffectNoReboot
Initdelete called to delete: C:\WINDOWS\ShellIconCache
All Custom Actions completed successfully
End Custom Action: EffectNoReboot
Writing registry key value: key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\Table Files; value name = IE4.DLL@v5.00.2014.0213(1033); value = C:\program files\Internet Explorer\Setup\setup.stf; Succeeded.
Pass 18
[12:08:57 Start of Pass: 18]
Pass 19
This pass closes out the "IE Setup Log.txt" file.
[12:08:57 Start of Pass: 19]
Phase = camfDtor
Begin Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Safe = 0
End Custom Action: LogAndUpdatePhases
Microsoft Setup Log File Closed 02/19/99 12:08:58
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbsetup msiew95 msiew98
Version : WINDOWS:5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: March 18, 1999