INFO: Using Win32 Scroll Bar APIs with Internet Explorer 4.x

ID: Q188017

The information in this article applies to:


It is not possible to use Win32 scroll bar APIs such as GetScrollInfo with a handle to an Internet Explorer's browser window. Additionally, Internet Explorer's browser window does not respond to WM_VSCROLL and WM_HSCROLL Windows messages.

The reason for this is that Internet Explorer paints its own scroll bar in the client area of the browser window. Win32 APIs like GetScrollInfo and scroll messages do not work because Internet Explorer is not using the scroll bar provided by Win32.


Some applications attempt to find Internet Explorer's browser window handle and use Win32 Scroll Bar APIs, such as GetScrollInfo, to get the current position of the document displayed by Internet Explorer. This technique does not work in the Internet Explorer versions listed above because it paints.

Additional query words: kbnokeyword

Version           : WINDOWS:4.0,4.01,4.01sp1
Platform          : WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbinfo

Last Reviewed: June 23, 1998