PRB: File Protocol URLs Do Not Work Correctly with # FragmentsID: Q181674
File protocol URLs with # (number sign) fragments do not work correctly in Internet Explorer 4.0x. This is true for URLs that point to HTML and non- HTML files. When navigating to a file URL with a # fragment, one of the following two problems might occur:
xxx is not accessible
This folder was moved or removed
This is by design.
The # fragments are used to provide bookmark and parameter information
within the URL. For example, you can use
"http://host/filename.htm#bookmark" to instruct Internet Explorer 4.0 to
load Filename.htm and scroll to "bookmark". This works correctly with the
http protocol, but does not work with the file protocol.
This problem only occurs if you enter the file URL in the address bar of
Internet Explorer. This problem does not occur if the file URL with the #
fragment is used in an anchor tag or when setting the location.href
property. However, if the file extension is not .htm or .html, this problem
will still occur, even on file URLs in anchor tags.
file:///C:/INetSDK/Help/inet0013.htm#positioning_0503000101000000However, if you omit the # parameter as follows, it works correctly.
Additional query words: URL FILE LOCAL BOOKMARK RFC1738 IE IE4
Keywords : kbIE500bug
Version :
Platform :
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: April 9, 1999