HOWTO: Install a Distribution Unit or Java ZIP File into the JPM with Rundll32ID: Q232642
This article explains how to install Java packages into the Java Package Manager (JPM), without the aid of a download tool, such as Internet Explorer.
To install a package into the JPM from the command line, using the Rundll32 interface, first put it into a standard ZIP file or a CAB file with an Open Software Distribution (OSD) manifest. Here is a brief explanation of the OSD specification from the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN):
Software distribution. Recently Microsoft and Marimba co-authored and submitted a specification to the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) called Open Software Description (OSD) that describes the delivery of software applications over the Internet. OSD uses unique XML tags to describe software components, including their versions, underlying structure, relationships to other components, and dependencies. It can describe and reference platform-native code (such as Macintosh, Win32, or ActiveX components) as well as Java packages and applications.Next, use the JPM Rundll32 interface as follows.
rundll32 %windir%\System32\msjava.dll,JavaPkgMgr_Install <filename>,
<file type>,<hi version>,<lo version>,<build>,<package flags>,
<install flags>,<namespace>
File Type:
Package Flags:
0=System class
1=Non system class
2=Needs trusted source
Install Flags:
1=No version check
2=No signer check
4=Autodetect packages
8=Delete input file
A sample command line might look like :
rundll32 %windir%\System32\msjava.dll,JavaPkgMgr_Install,1,4,79,2151,0,12
© Microsoft Corporation 1999, All Rights Reserved.
Contributions by Robert LaCasse, Microsoft Corporation
Additional query words: kbSDKJava Rundll32 JPM
Keywords : kbJavaVM kbSDKJava kbVJ kbWinOS98 kbGrpJava
Version : WINDOWS:3.0,3.0 Preview 1,3.1,3.2
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: June 10, 1999