HOWTO: Installation Instructions for SDK for JavaID: Q183712
This article provides details on how to install the SDK for Java and how to
use the Clspack, Classd.exe, and Javasrc.exe utilities.
See the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for instructions on installing the SDK Versions 3.2 and later on Visual J++ 6.0 and later.
Q234919 Installation Instructions for Version 3.2 and later of the SDK for Java
Following is a checklist of items that provides direction on how to install the SDK for Java and to use its utilities.
Clspack -auto
This will create a file and place all the Java packages in
%Windir%\Java\Classes\ It contains all system classes stored in
the JPM. The Microsoft compiler for Java (jvc) checks this location by
default, so there is no need to set your classpath environment variable.
If you use another Java compiler that does not check this location, set
your class path variable as follows:
C:\>set CLASSPATH=%WINDIR%\java\classes\;%classpath%
NOTE: If you have used SDKSetupWizard for installing SDK for Java, then
this tool is automatically run as soon as you reboot your machine after
installation. If, on the other hand, you have used the self-extracting file
for installation, then make sure you run Clspack-auto manually after
installing all the components.
This will now enable you to debug Java applications and step into the
code of some of the Java system classes.
NOTE: If you run Classd.exe from the <sdk-dir>\Bin directory and then
run Javasrc.exe from the same folder, the error message, "Unable to open
file" may appear. Run JavaSrc from within the
%Windir%\Java\Classes directory (you can copy the Javasrc.exe from the
<sdk-dir>\Bin directory to %Windir%\Java\Classes directory), or run
it with a command line that includes the path to
C:\..\>javasrc %windir%\java\classes\
jactivex filename
"Filename" is the file name of the type library (*.tlb, *.olb, *.ocx, *.dll
or *.exe). This generates java source code (.java) rather than the .class
files that JAVATLB generates. The generated Java source requires new
functionality not present in older versions of the compiler in Microsoft
Visual J++ 1.x. So you need to compile the generated .java files with the
Jvc.exe that ships with the SDK for Java versions 2.0x or newer.
To download the latest retail version of Internet Explorer, see the following Web site: download the SDK for Java, visit the following Web site: more information on how to use Javasrc.exe, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q167938 INFO: How Do I run JavaSrc After Installing Classes.zipFor more information on the CLSPACK utility, please refer to the SDK for Java documentation available at the following Web site: more information on how to use the new JDK1.1 features with Visual J++ 1.1, please see the following article in the Knowledge Base:
Q177165 INFO: Use New Java 1.1 Language Features with Visual J++ 1.1For more information on the tools available in the SDK, please refer to the following Web site: more information on Debugging Visual J++ Applets with Internet Explorer 4.0x, please see the following article in the Knowledge Base:
Q167998 FIX: Cannot Debug Visual J++ Programs on IE 4.0For more information on how to CABAndSIGN using the SDK tools, please refer to the following Web site: more information on Component Download, please see the following article in the Knowledge Base:
Q181374 INFO: Related Component Download Articles
Additional query words: sdk clspack classd.exe install tools classr javasrc jdk
Keywords : kbsetup kbSDKJava300 kbSDKJava310
Version : WINDOWS:1.0,1.1,2.0,2.01,2.02,3.0,3.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: July 13, 1999