Troubleshooting Guide: Converting Docs in Word for Windows

ID: q114168

The information in this article applies to:


This article contains a series of questions you can use to troubleshoot problems converting from a foreign file format in Word for Windows.


General Troubleshooting

Working with the File

Opening a Document from a Foreign Format

Supplemental Converters

- Does the INI file or registry reflect the correct path and filename for
  the converter?

     Word 2.x - Check the [MSWord Text Converters] section of the WIN.INI.

     Word 6.0 - Check the [MS Text Converters] section of the WIN.INI file
     for shared text converters or the [MSWord Text Converters] section of
     the WINWORD6.INI file for Word specific converters.

     Word 7.0x - See the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge
         ARTICLE ID: Q135783
         TITLE: Converter Registration and File Locations in Word/Office

     Word 97 - See the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge

         ARTICLE ID: Q157464
         TITLE: Where Settings Are Stored in the Registry

  • Does the [Extensions] section of the WIN.INI file have a DLL or CNV entry--for example, "dll=toolbook.exe ^.doc" or "cnv=write.exe ^.cnv" (without the quotation marks)?

    Saving a Document in a Foreign Format

    Version           : 1.00 1.10 1.10a 2.00 2.00a 2.00a
    Platform          : WINDOWS

    Last Reviewed: November 9, 1998