Enable Word Processing Converter Capabilities and Limitations

ID: q121000

The information in this article applies to:


The table below provides a summary of features which are supported for export and import between Enable word processing documents and Microsoft Word. These features are supported by both the 16 and 32-bit versions of the converter, designed for use with Word 6.x and Word 7.0 respectively. For more details about conversion limitations mentioned in this summary, see the Import of Enable to Word and Export of Word to Enable sections that follow the table.

Features are organized by type formatting: character, paragraph, section, document, and other. "Yes" means the feature exists in both products and is converted from one product to the other. "No" means the feature is not converted from one product to the other either because of limitations or that feature does not exist in the destination product. "N/S" means the feature is not supported in the source product and therefore not converted.

                 ENABLE                       WORD
FORMATTING       TO                           TO
FEATURE          WORD                         ENABLE
==========       ======                       ======

Character Formatting

All Caps         N/S.                         Converted to normal text in
                                              all capital letters.

Bold             Yes.                         Yes.

Colors           N/S.                         No.

Condense/        N/S.                         No.

Extended         Yes. (See "Extended          Yes. (See "Extended
Characters       Characters" under "Import    Characters" under "Export of
                 of Enable into Word" for     Word to Enable" for more
                 information.)                information.)

Fonts            Yes.                         Limited since Window's
                                              printer drivers usually are
                                              more complete than those used
                                              in Enable. Font changes in
                                              Word due to style changes are
                                              not exported. Also, font
                                              changes in multiple columns
                                              are not exported to Enable
                                              3.0 or 4.0. (See "Fonts and
                                              Rulers" under "Export of Word
                                              to Enable" for more

Hidden           N/S.                         Converted to Enable comment.

Italic           Yes.                         Yes.

Kerning          N/S.                         No.

Language         N/S.                         No.

Small Caps       N/S.                         Converted to normal text in
                                              all capital letters.

Strikethrough/   Yes (converted to dashes).   Yes, except for strikethrough
Overstrike                                    contained in multiple

Superscript/     S/S only. (Enable doesn't    Raised/Lowered is converted
Subscript -      support Raised/Lowered)      to S/S. Also, the underline
Raised/Lowered                                is removed from underlined
                                              superscript or subscript.

Underline        Yes.                         Yes, with the exception of
                                              underline on a word-by-word

Paragraph Properties

Alignment        Yes. (See "Text Flow and     Yes
                 Text Alignment" under
                 "Import of Enable into Word"
                 for more information.)

Borders/         N/S.                         No.

Bullets/         N/S.                         Converted to text items.

Hyphenation      Yes, with exception of       Yes.
                 hyphenation zones within
                 an Enable document.

Indents          Yes.                         Yes.

Keep Lines       Yes.                         Yes.

Keep with Next   Yes.                         Yes.

Line Spacing     Yes. (Only the last line     Limited. "Before" and "after"
                 space setting in an Enable   spacing for paragraphs is not
                 paragraph is imported.)      exported. Also, proportional
                                              fonts may format improperly
                                              when exported to Enable 3.0
                                              or 4.0. (See "Line Spacing"
                                              under "Export of Word to
                                              Enable" for more

Page Breaks      Yes.                         Yes.

Rulers           Yes.                         Yes. (See "Rulers" in "Export
                                              of Word to Enable" for some

Styles           N/S.                          No.

Tabs             Yes. (Some alignment tabs     Yes, except tab leaders.
                 may be adjusted to            (Some alignment tabs may be
                 accommodate product           adjusted to accommodate
                 differences.)                 product differences.)

Widow/Orphan     Yes.                         Yes.

Section Properties

Columns          Yes.                         Yes. (Gutter widths less than
                                              .2" are set to .2".) (See
                                              "Columns" under "Export of
                                              Word to Enable" and see
                                              "Converter Options" for more

Document Title   Converted to standard text   N/S.
                 followed by a page break
                 at beginning of document.

Endnotes         N/S.                         Converted to Enable

Footnotes        Yes. (Long footnotes may     Yes. (Long footnotes may be
                 be formatted differently.)   formatted differently.) (See
                 (See "Footnotes" under       "Footnotes" under "Export of
                 "Import of Enable into       Word to Enable" concerning
                 Word" concerning footnotes   nonnumeric footnotes.)
                 at the end of a document.)

Headers/         Yes.                         Yes.

Line Numbering   Yes.                         Yes.

Vertical         N/S.                         No.

Document Properties

Margins          Yes.                         Yes.

Orientation      Yes.                         Yes, except for orientation
                                              changes within a document.

Paper size       Yes.                         Yes.

Other Features

Annotations -    N/S.                         No.

Draw/            N/S.                         No.
Paint Frames

Drawing Layer    N/S.                         No.

Fields/          Yes, with exception of       Page, Date, Time, TC, XE,
Embedded         printer "percent" commands.  and Includetext fields are
Commands                                      converted to equivalent
                                              Page, Date, Time, embedded
                                              command. All other fields are
                                              converted to text.

Frames           N/S.                         No.

Graphics         No.                          No.

Index            Yes.                         Yes.

Master           N/S.                         No.

OLE Objects      N/S.                         No.

Outlines         Converted to Word's          The display and printing will
                 bullets/numbering            appear different. (See
                 (including blank lines in    "Outlines" under "Export of
                 Enable outline.) (See        Word to Enable" for more
                 "Outlines" under "Import     information.)
                 of Enable into Word" for
                 more information.)

Revision         N/S.                         Latest version of revisions
Marking                                       converted to static text.

Tables           To tabbed text.              To side-by-side columns in
                                              Enable 4.5; to a single
                                              column in Enable 3.0 and 4.0.
                                              Tables in headers, footers,
                                              and footnotes are not
                                              converted. (See "Tables"
                                              under "Export of Word to
                                              Enable" and "Converter
                                              Options" for more

TOA              Converted to comments;       References are not converted,
                 spade reference marks are    and the compiled TOA will
                 discarded.                   appear as standard text.

TOC              Yes. (See "TOC" under        Yes. (See "TOC" under "Export
                 "Import of Enable into       of Word to Enable" for more
                 Word" for more information.) information.)


In general, Enable word processing documents can be imported to Word with minimal impact on the document and its formatting features. Modifications that you should anticipate, as well as the few conversion limitations that do exist, are discussed in the feature summary that follows.


   See Character Attributes.

Character Attributes

   All character attributes such as bold, italic, superscript, subscript,
   and underline are imported as expected.


   Enable's snaking and side-by-side columns are imported as expected.

Document Titles

   Enable's Document Title will appear on the first page as standard text
   followed by a page break when imported to Word.

Embedded Commands (%Commands)

   Enable's %ALT is converted to Word's different odd and even header and
   footer feature.

   Enable's %LNUM is converted to Word's line numbering feature.

   The following %commands are converted to the following Word field codes:

      Enable     Word
      %Command   Field Code
      --------   ----------

      %DATE      DATE
      %TIME      TIME

   The embedded command %INCLUDE (used to include an external file) is
   converted to Word's INCLUDETEXT field code. In the Word document, this
   appears on screen as "%INCLUDE xxx", where xxx is the name of the
   "included" file. To load (or refresh) the contents of the included file,
   position the insertion point on %INCLUDE and press F9.

   All printer-related "%commands" are ignored during import.

Extended Characters

   Enable special characters are supported in Word through the Symbol
   function found on the Insert menu. During conversion, all special
   characters are transferred to the closest matching character in either
   the Symbol or MS LineDraw fonts supported by this Symbol function. A
   point size is assigned to each according to the size set in the Enable


   When an Enable document is imported, character type face, point size and
   attribute (for example, bold and italic) are mapped based on the default
   Windows printer.


   Enable has an option that allows a single footnote to be continued at
   the bottom of the following page. Word does not process the text of long
   footnotes in the same way. As a result, an imported Enable document with
   a footnote that continues from one page to another is formatted

   The Enable option to save footnotes at the end of a document results in
   footnotes being printed on a separate page. When imported into Word, the
   footnotes will begin where the text of the document ends.


   The conversion utility does not import pictures and graphs contained
   within an Enable document.


   See "Rulers."


   See "Text Flow and Text Alignment."


   Enable and Word provide similar but different functionality for indexes.
   In Enable, index terms can be created in two ways. One method is to
   insert an index special entry by selecting TOOLS, INDEX, INSERT and
   keying the index term into the "special" area. The second approach is to
   apply the Enable index attribute to the characters of the index term.
   This is done in a way similar to applying an italic or bold attribute to
   text. The first method does not show the index term in the body of the
   printed document, the second does.

   When Enable compiles the index, it creates a new document containing
   only the compiled index. This index document is a standard Enable file
   and is generally given an extension of WPI. In most cases, the Enable
   user places an %INCLUDE filename command at the start of the original
   document to cause the index document to be printed. In other cases, the
   user may use the interwindow-copy function to copy the contents of the
   index document into the original document.

   Unlike Enable, Word does not create a separate document when the index
   is compiled. In Word, the user selects one of the INSERT options to
   cause the index to be created and inserted into the original document.

   Each %INCLUDE filename command in an Enable document is converted into a
   field in the Word document, specifically the INCLUDE TEXT field. As a
   result, the Enable-generated index document is printed by Word as
   expected. Also, if the index document was interwindow-copied into the
   original document, it displays and prints as expected.

   During the conversion process, an XE field is inserted into the Word
   document for all index entries found in the Enable document. These can
   readily be used by Word to compile a new index.


   See "Character Attributes."

Line Numbering

   Occasionally with an imported Enable document, line numbering does not
   appear when printed or displayed in page preview in Word. This can occur
   because of differences in ruler structure between Word and Enable. The
   problem can be corrected by moving the left margin in Word to the right
   using the Page Setup command.

Line Spacing

   Because Word allows only one line-space setting per paragraph, only the
   last line-space setting used in a paragraph in Enable is retained.


   Enable's outlines (including any blank lines within the outline) are
   imported as Word's bullets/numbering.


   Enable's overstrike attribute are converted to dashes.


   Password-protected Enable files are not imported into Word. Remove the
   password in Enable first, and then import into Word.


   Word supports a single hyphenation zone that applies to an entire
   document. Enable permits the hyphenation zone to be reset with each
   ruler. Due to this difference, only the last hyphenation zone set within
   an Enable document is used to set the hyphenation zone in Word.

   Alignment tabs consisting of several characters on an Enable ruler can
   be adjusted to accommodate implementation differences between Word and
   Enable. For example, if you have typed N's (for numeric tabs), or
   carets(^) (for centering), or X's (for alphanumerics) on an Enable ruler
   and the length of the item being aligned is greater than the number of
   alignment characters, then when imported into Word, the item adjusts to
   the left of where it aligned in Enable.


   See "Character Attributes."

Table of Authorities

   All Table of Authority entries are converted to Word's comments and the
   spade reference marks are discarded.

Table of Contents

   Enable and Word provide similar but different functionality for table of
   contents (TOC). In Enable, a TOC entry is created by inserting a
   "special" TOC entry. This entry contains the TOC term plus codes that
   determine the level and the numbering to appear to the left of the term
   when Enable compiles the TOC and creates a new document containing the
   text of the TOC. This TOC document is a standard Enable WP file and is
   generally given an extension of .WPT.

   In most cases, the Enable user places an %INCLUDE filename command in
   the beginning of the original document to cause the TOC document to be
   printed. In other cases, the user may use the interwindow-copy function
   to copy the contents of the TOC document into the original document.

   In Word, TOC entries are generally created by applying a style to the
   entry. Word has a number of built-in styles for this purpose. The style
   applied to the entry determines its level (in the compiled table), the
   indenting, and other formatting needs. Alternatively, a Word user can
   insert a special field type (TC) for creating TOC entries.

   Unlike Enable, Word does not create a separate document when the TOC is
   compiled. The Word user selects one of the INSERT options to cause the
   table to be created and inserted in the original document.

   Each %INCLUDE filename command in an Enable document is converted to an
   "Include Text" field. As a result, the Enable-generated TOC document is
   printed by Word as expected. Also, if the table was interwindow-copied
   into the original document, it displays and prints as expected.

   During the import, an XE field is inserted into the Word document for
   each TOC entry found in the Enable document. The text of the TOC entry
   is included within the body of the Word document. These XE fields can
   readily be used by Word to compile a new table.

   The level assigned to the TOC entry is forwarded during the conversion
   process. However, Enable and Word have different methods of compiling
   and offer different features for providing any optional numbering to
   appear to the left of the term. These are product specific and not part
   of the conversion process. Word has many more options for formatting the
   TOC than does Enable.


   Enable's tables, which are tabbed text, are imported into Word as tabbed


   See "Rulers."

Text Flow and Text Alignment

   Enable does not flow text through its "special" text areas, such as
   comment text. When an Enable document is imported into Word, the text
   above and below any "specials" will appear as part of one paragraph.

   Hanging indents in Enable that begin in the middle of a paragraph are
   preserved going to Word, but the indented portion acts like a separate
   paragraph. Centered and flushed right text is implemented in Enable
   3.0/4.0 by inserting blanks before the text. These blanks are preserved
   during import. The text may not appear to be centered or flush right if
   the font is changed or if Word reformats the lines.


   See "Character Attributes."


The export of Word documents into Enable 3.0, 4.0, and 4.5 format has conversion limitations due to differences in environment and product features. Enable operates in a non-graphical, text-based environment and Word operates in a graphical environment. Although text is not lost, in some cases the formatting information cannot be exported. As a result, the format of the document when opened in Enable may appear quite different. The conversion utility does not export the following Word features:

The conversion limitations of the export of Word documents into Enable are discussed in the feature summary that follows.

All Caps

   See "Character Attributes."


   See "Character Attributes."


   Word's bullets/numbering is exported to Enable's outline.

Character Attributes

   All character attributes such as bold, italic, superscript, subscript,
   and underline are exported as expected with two exceptions. Enable
   cannot underline any subscript or superscript text. If this combination
   is used in Word, superscript takes precedence when the file is
   exported to Enable. Also, underline that is applied on a word-by-word
   basis is not exported. See "Fonts" for related information.

   Word's raised/lowered functionality is converted to Enable's
   superscript/subscript. Word's small caps and all caps are converted to
   normal Enable text with capital letters. Any strikethrough in multiple
   columns is ignored.


   Word's variable-width columns are exported as Enable's side-by-side
   columns in 4.5. For Enable 3.0 and 4.0, they are exported as single
   columns. For a method of exporting variable-width columns to
   Enable 4.0, see "Converter Options."

   Word's fixed-width columns are exported as Enable's snaking columns. If
   the gutter width is less than .2 inch, the gutter width is set to
   Enable's minimum value of .2 inch. (In some cases, this may result in
   columns being shifted off the edge of the page.)

   Any font changes in multiple columns are ignored for export to
   Enable 3.0 or 4.0.

   Line numbering changes in multiple columns are ignored.

   Any strikethrough in multiple columns is ignored.


   Endnotes created in Word are exported to Enable as footnotes.

Extended Characters

   Special characters (Word's Symbols) that are in the value range 240-255
   of the DOS codepage are not exported. Those in the ranges of 0-15 and
   127-239 are exported on a "best match" basis for the MS LineDraw font
   only. Characters that do not have an equivalent in the DOS codepage (for
   example, Wingdings) cannot be exported successfully.


   Word's PAGE, DATE, TIME, INCLUDETEXT, TC, and XE fields are exported to
   the equivalent Enable feature. For all other Word fields, the text last
   associated with the field is displayed as standard text. All date fields
   display in month name, numeric day, and year format.


   The marked differences in font and printer support that exist between
   the text-based Enable versions and the Windows-based graphics-oriented
   Word are likely to have a significant impact on the printed appearance
   of a document that has been exported from Word to Enable. Among these
   differences are:

    - During export, Word's font information is mapped into codes
      understandable to the version of Enable selected by the user. The
      accuracy of this mapping is limited by the level to which Enable
      supports the default Window's printer. For example, if Enable did not
      support the scaleable font feature of the printer, then much of the
      point size information is not recorded in the exported document.

    - Font changes that occur due to style changes are not recognized by
      the export process.

    - Any font changes within multiple columns are ignored for export
      to Enable 3.0 or 4.0.

    - Word's TrueType fonts are mapped to an internal font of the Window's
      default printer if supported by Enable.


   All non-numeric footnote references (which appear as a superscript text
   to the right of the reference text) are included in the export. However,
   Enable's sequential numeric values are inserted into the non-numeric

   Enable has a feature that allows a single footnote to be continued at
   the bottom of the following page. Word does not process the text of long
   footnotes in the same way. As a result, an exported Word document with a
   long footnote is formatted a little differently.

   In an Enable-created document, all footnotes are saved at the top of the
   document. However, in an exported Word document, instead of saving the
   footnotes at the top of the document, footnotes are saved as they
   are encountered within the Word document. This does not cause any
   problems when opening the exported document in Enable. However, such
   files should either be printed from within Enable word processing or be
   resaved in Enable before they are printed from the main menu in Enable.

Frames and Associated Text

   In Word, text can be entered into a frame, which can be positioned and
   sized by the user. Since Enable does not have a corresponding feature,
   text within a Word frame may appear at unexpected positions on the page
   when the exported document is opened in Enable. Since graphics are not
   exported, the frame box is not included in the exported document.

Headers and Footers

   If a header or footer is present in the Word document, the distance
   between the header/footer and the first/last line of text is set to .33

Hidden Text

   Hidden text in Word is exported as an Enable Comment.


   Enable and Word provide similar but different functionality for indexes.
   In Enable, index terms can be created in two ways. One method is to
   insert a "Index Special" entry by selecting TOOLS, INDEX, INSERT and
   keying the index term into the "special" area. The second approach is to
   apply Enable's index attribute to the characters of the index term. This
   is done in a way similar to applying an italic or bold attribute to
   text. The first method does not show the index term in the body of the
   printed document; the second does.

   When Enable compiles the index, it creates a new document containing
   just the text of the compiled index. The index document is a standard
   Enable file and is generally given an extension of .WPI.

   During the export process, Enable does not automatically compile the
   index entries in the Word document and create a second Enable document
   containing the index information. All index terms in a Word document are
   exported to Enable's "Index Special" entry. These do not have Enable's
   "index character attribute" applied to the index term(s). However, the
   exported document includes the compiled indexes as standard text.


   See "Character Attributes."

Line Spacing

   Word has the capability to separate paragraphs by a specified number of
   points. Since Enable does not have this feature, such information is
   omitted in the export. As a result, any exported Word document
   containing spacing before and/or after paragraphs has different line
   spacing than the original, which may also affect pagination when the
   document is opened in Enable.

   The 3.0 and 4.0 versions of Enable used the fixed number of positions on
   the ruler between the left and right margins to determine where lines
   should break. This behavior produces significant variations in text
   format, especially where proportional fonts have been exported from
   Word. Additionally, the use of large fonts on a line exported to these
   versions may produce overlap to previously printed lines. This is due to
   the fixed vertical spacing used in Enable 3.0 and 4.0. Use the
   %LINES command, change line spacing, or insert one or more blank lines
   above the overlapping line to correct such anomalies before printing.


   See "Page Setup."


   Enable and Word handle construction and formatting of text outlines in
   very different ways. Word treats each outline level with an implied
   hanging indentation. Enable does not. When outline text is exported, no
   text is lost, but the display and printing of the data will appear
   different than in the original Word document.

Page Breaks

   Due to the differences in the way Word and Enable support fonts, the
   exported Word document is often paginated differently in Enable.
   The degree of difference varies, based on the level of support Enable
   provides for the default Window's printer. See "Fonts" for related

Page Setup

   The following information is not included in the exported document:

    - Print range

    - Lines per inch (always assumed to be automatic in Enable 4.5, and 6
      lines per inch in Enable 3.0 and 4.0)

    - Text graphic density

    - Paper tray information

   Changes in page orientation are not exported from Word to Enable. Enable
   prints the entire document in either landscape or portrait mode,
   depending on the initial setting in Word.


   See "Character Attributes."


   Exported documents may contain extra rulers. This is due to the
   different way Enable and Word handle text flow such as hanging indents.

   Alignment tabs (such as centering, decimal, and right) are adjusted
   to accommodate implementation differences between Word and Enable.

   The ruler in Enable 3.0/4.0 indicates the maximum number of characters
   allowed on a line, not the maximum width of the characters in inches.
   The export converts Word's margins based upon 10 cpi. Whenever a
   proportional font or a fixed pitch font that is not 10 cpi is in use in
   the Word document, the corresponding area of the exported Enable
   document may require adjustment to the ruler.

Small Caps

   See "Character Attributes."


   Strikethrough characters in Word are converted to the overstrike
   attribute in Enable. Strikethrough characters in multiple columns are
   ignored for all exports.


   See "Character Attributes."

Table of Authorities

   table of authorities (TOA) references are not converted. The compiled
   TOA from Word will appear in the Enable document as standard text.

Table of Contents

   Enable and Word provide similar but different functionality for table of
   contents (TOC). In Enable, TOC entries are created by inserting a
   "special" TOC entry. This entry contains the TOC term plus codes that
   determine the level and the numbering to appear to the left of the term
   when Enable compiles the TOC and creates a new document containing the
   text of the TOC. This TOC document is a standard Enable WP file and is
   generally given an extension of .WPT.

   In most cases, the Enable user places an %INCLUDE filename command at
   the start of the original document to cause the TOC document to be
   printed. In other cases, the user may use the interwindow-copy function
   to copy the contents of the TOC document into the original document.

   In Word, TOC entries are generally created by applying a style to the
   entry. Word has a number of built-in styles for this purpose. The style
   applied to the entry determines its level (in the compiled table), the
   indenting, and other formatting needs. Alternatively, a Word user can
   insert a field type (TC) for TOC entries and a field type (TOC) for
   where the compiled table will appear in the document. Unlike Enable,
   Word does not created a separate document when the TOC is compiled. The
   Word user selects one of the INSERT options to cause the table to be
   created and inserted in the original document.

   Only Word's TC fields are exported as table of contents entries. Text
   containing one of the Heading styles is not automatically treated as TOC

   All level information is retained in the exported document. No TOC style
   information is exported.


   Word's tables are exported to Enable 4.5 as side-by-side columns. As
   this feature is not available in Enable 3.0, the tables are exported to
   a single column in that version. The default for export to Enable 4.0 is
   also a single column; however, see "Converter Options" for a method to
   convert tables to side-by-side columns in Enable 4.0.

   Tables defined in headers, footers, and footnotes are not converted to
   side-by-side columns. Rather, a single space is inserted between the
   cells, maintaining the text in a row.


   See "Rulers."

Text Flow

   Since Enable 3.0 does not have the capability to reformat the entire
   document with one command, files exported from Word to Enable 3.0 need
   to be reformatted manually. This is most quickly accomplished by going
   to each ruler within the document and pressing ALT/F6 and ENTER.


   See "Character Attributes."


In some cases, when Enable processes large documents that have been exported from Word, the user may encounter Enable's "Short of Memory" message. If this occurs, the user may attempt to avoid the memory restriction according to the following guidelines:

If the memory shortage occurs while attempting to print the document:

If the memory shortage occurs while attempting to read the document into Enable word processing: KBCategory: KBINTEROP KBSubcategory: Additional reference words: textconv word6 6.00 6.00a 6.00c winword office enabler kit

Last Reviewed: January 3, 1996