ID: q136385
The information in this article applies to:
Word 7.0 supports conversion to and from a number of foreign file formats, including word processor, spreadsheet, and database files. Word interprets some foreign formats internally and others through use of external converter files or ODBC drivers. A list of available converters and the formats they support is included below.
For more information on converter registration and file locations and on which converters are installed with each of Word's Typical, Compact, and Custom Setup options, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
ARTICLE-ID: 135783
TITLE : Converter Registration and File Locations in Word/Office 95
TITLE : WD: Converters Installed with Each Setup Type in Word/Office
Note: Converters and ODBC drivers for use with Word that are supplied with Word and Office 95 are dated 07-20-95.
Supported File Export
Formats Converter Size Support Comments
Microsoft ODBCJT32.DLL 232448 Import ODBC support is
Access 2.x-7.0 supplied with
Office 95, but must
be obtained
separately by
standalone Word
users through an
application note.
See below.
Microsoft Excel EXCEL32.CNV 137728 Import Word and Office 95
3.x-7.0 (Win, Mac) or Custom Setups
ODBCJT32.DLL 232448 incorrectly
reference support
for Excel 2.x via
the Excel converter
and omit reference
to Excel 7.0. Excel
2.x worksheets are
not supported by
the converter and
Excel 7.0
worksheets are.
ODBC support is
supplied with
Office 95, but must
be obtained
separately by
standalone Word
users through an
application note.
See below.
dBASE III, III+, IV DBASE32.CNV 53248 Import The DBASE32.CNV
or converter is
ODBCJT32.DLL 232448 supplied with Word
7.0 but not with
Office 95. dBASE
support in Office
95 is provided by
ODBC driver.
ODBC drivers are
also available
separately for
standalone Word 95
users through an
application note.
See below.
Exchange Personal WWPAB.CNV 34304 Import
Address Books
FoxPro 2.0 - 2.6a EXCEL32.CNV 137728 Import ODBC support is
(Win, Mac, Unix) or supplied with
ODBCJT32.DLL 232448 Office 95, but must
be obtained
separately by
standalone Word
users through an
application note.
See below.
Lotus 1-2-3 2.0-4.0 LOTUS32.CNV 109568 Import
Lotus Notes _MSIMP32.DLL 17408 See This converter is
MSCTHUNK.DLL 8704 Comment installed for use
from within Lotus
Notes 3.x if an
existing Notes
installation is
detected during
Word setup.
This converter
allows Notes to
import Word
documents and Excel
For this converter
to function
EXCEL32.CNV, and
OLE 2.0 support
must be installed.
The converter is
not used by Word.
Paradox 3.x, 4.x, 5.0 ODBCJT32.DLL 232448 Import ODBC support is
supplied with
Office 95, but must
be obtained
separately by
standalone Word
users through an
application note.
See below.
Rich Text Format Internal Both
RFT-DCA RFTDCA32.CNV 166400 Both
Schedule+ Contact WWPAB.CNV 34304 Import
SQL Server 4.21, 6.0 SQLSRV32.DLL 210994 Import ODBC support is
supplied with
Office 95, but must
be obtained
separately by
standalone Word
users through an
application note.
See below.
Text Only Internal Both
MS-DOS Text Internal Export
Text Only with Line Internal Export
MS-DOS Text with Internal Export
Line Breaks
Text with Layout TXTLYT32.CNV 189440 Both
MS-DOS Text with TXTLYT32.CNV 189440 Both
Word 4.x-5.x for the MACWRD32.CNV 189952 Export Import is handled
Macintosh internally by
Word 3.x-6.0 for DOSWRD32.CNV 214016 Both
Word 2.x for Windows WNWRD32.CNV 183808 Export Import is handled
Word 6.0-7.0 for MSWRD632.CNV 143360 See MSWRD632.CNV is
Windows / Macintosh Comment used by other 32-
bit Microsoft
applications to
open Word 6.x and
7.0 files.
A 16-bit version
for use with
Windows 3.x
applications is
separately. See
This converter is
not used by Word.
Word (Asian Versions) MSWRD632.CNV 143360 Import MSWRD632.CNV also
6.0 / 7.0 allows Word 7.0 to
open *English
Language* documents
created in Asian
(Japanese, Korean,
or Taiwanese) Word
versions 6.x and
7.0. See article
Q132431 for details.
Word 1.x for Windows Internal Import Import is handled
Documents / Templates internally.
(Macros not retained)
WordPerfect 5.x for WPFT532.CNV 395264 Both
DOS and Windows WPEQU532.DLL 102912
WPGIMP32.FLT 146944
WPGEXP32.FLT 68608
WordPerfect 6.x WPFT632.CNV 222720 Import
WPEQU532.DLL 102912
WPGIMP32.FLT 146944
WordStar 3.3-7.0 for WRDSTR32.CNV 274432 Both Word's Save As File
DOS Type list
references only
WordStar versions
4.0 and 7.0, but
WordStar for DOS
releases 3.3, 5.0,
5.5, and 6.0 can
also open files
saved in WordStar
4.0 or 7.0 formats.
WordStar 1.0-2.0 for WRDSTR32.CNV 274432 Import
Works 3.x for Windows WORKS332.CNV 118272 Both Word Processing
files only. For
more information
on how to convert
spreadsheet and
database files,
see article
Works 4.0 for Windows WORKS432.CNV 122368 Both Word Processing
files only. For
more information
on how to convert
spreadsheet and
database files,
see article
Write 2.x-3.x WRITE32.CNV 77824 Both
TITLE : Ami Pro 3.0 Converters for Word 6.x and Word 7.0
TITLE : WD: How to Obtain a Word 6.x/7.0 Converter for Use with
Word 2.x
TITLE : WD: How to Obtain a Word 6.x/7.0 Converter for MacWord
5.x Users
- ORACLE version 7.0 via VSORAC32.DLL, file size 136192, dated 7/14/95
- Microsoft SQL Server versions 4.21 and 6.0 via SQLSRV32.DLL, file
size 211968, dated 8/30/95
- The following formats via Microsoft Jet database engine version 3.0,
file size 226,304, dated 10/4/95:
- Microsoft Access versions 2.0 and 7.0
- Microsoft FoxPro versions 2.0, 2.5, and 2.6
- dBASE III, dBASE IV, and dBASE(r) for Windows
- Paradox versions 3.x, 4.x, and 5.0
- Microsoft Excel versions 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, and 7.0
- Text
Earlier versions of the above drivers with the exception of the Oracle driver are supplied on the Office 95 compact disc.
For information on how to obtain this kit, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : WX1220: ODBC 32-Bit Drivers Appnote w/Desktop Drivers
Ver. 3.4
TITLE : IA: General Information about Internet Assistant for
TITLE : SGML Author for Word Questions and Answers
1. Consult the documentation included with your application to
determine which file formats, if any, it can save as. Compare this
list with the list of file formats Word can import and use the
interim format that provides the best formatting retention.
2. To locate third-party converter vendors and conversion bureaus that
can assist you with document conversion, query in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base on the following words:
textconv <format> third party (where "format" is the name
of the product from which
you want to convert)
- DisplayWrite
- MultiPlan
- MultiMate
- Works 2.x / 3.x for MS-DOS
- Word 1.x for Windows export
- Office Document Architecture (ODA)
- Publisher 2.0
- WordPerfect 4.1/4.2
- Works for Windows 2.X
Keywords : textconv
Version : 7.00 7.00a
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: November 18, 1998