Works 95 Error: "Growstub An error has occurred in your program"ID: q142971
When you start Works, you may receive the following error message:
When you click Close, you receive another message:GROWSTUB
An error has occurred in your program.
If you click Details, you see the following information:This program performed an illegal operation
GROWSTUB caused a General Protection Fault in module POINTER.DLL at XXXX:XXXX.
An older version of Pointer.dll was not updated correctly during the installation of Windows 95.
To end the error messages, rename the Pointer.dll file on your computer, and then re-install the file.
cd\<folder>where <folder> is the folder you noted in step 6.
extract <drive>:\win95\ Pointer.dllwhere <drive> is the letter of the CD-ROM drive.
extract <drive>:\ Pointer.dllwhere <drive> is the letter of the floppy drive.
For more information on this Growstub error, see the Mouse and Keyboard section of the following article:
Q129582 Windows 95 Preview Program README.TXT (2 of 3)
Additional query words: 4.00 4.00a 4.50 gpf g-p fault grow stub stup grows extraction w_works
Keywords : kbenv kberrmsg
Version : WINDOWS|MACINTOS:4.0,4.0a,4.5
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: June 24, 1999