ID: q155746
7.00 7.00a 97 WINDOWS kbinterop
The information in this article applies to:
This articles discusses how to automatically install (register) a converter in the versions of Word listed at the beginning of this article.
To automatically install (register) a converter in the versions of Word listed at the beginning of this article, follow these steps:
1. Copy the converter file you want to install to either the Word program
folder or the \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Textconv
2. Start Word.
3. On the File menu, click Open.
4. Select a file that Word cannot recognize (for example, a plain text
file or a document in the format supported by the converter that you
Word will detect and automatically register the converter in one of two
locations in Windows 95 Registration Database:
Word 7.x:
\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Word\7.0\Text Converters
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Text Converters
HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Word\Text Converters
It is not necessary to complete steps 1 and 2 during the first file open in
a Word session. Also the "Confirm Conversions at Open" option (located on
the General tab of the Options command on the Tools menu) does not have to
be checked during this process.
One of the following occurs upon opening a foreign file in Word 7.0:
1. If the "Confirm Conversions at Open" option (located on the General tab
of the Options command on the Tools menu) is not checked (the Word 7.0
default), Word will immediately open your document using the matching
supported and installed converter.
2. If the file is a text file, Word will immediately open the file as Text
3. If the file is of some other format not recognized by Word, and the
"Confirm Conversion at Open" option is not check, the Convert File From
dialog box will appear anyway, proposing to open the document as Text
Only. Click Cancel and only open documents supported by the available
NOTE: If the FileOpen command has been modified in some way, the
Convert File From dialog box may be bypassed. The macro intercepts the
Convert File From dialog box and defaults to opening the file as Text
Only, resulting in garbage characters. To display the Convert File From
dialog box, select Confirm Conversions before opening the file.
4. If the Confirm Conversions option is checked, Word will prompt to open
the document from the format supported by one of the installed
converters or will prompt to open the file as Text Only if the file is
plain text or another format not recognized by any of the installed
converters or internally by Winword.exe.
NOTE: All converters that are made available for use with Word 7.0,
with the exception of the AmiPro and Enable converters, are shipped
with Word 7.0 and Microsoft Office 95. Setup should be used to add and
remove converters that are supplied with the product.
For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : Supplemental Text Converters Available for Word 97
KBCategory: kbinterop
Additional reference words: textconv 7.00 7.00a word7 word95 word8
8.00 8.0 convert converted converts conversion translate translated
translates translation transfer transferred transfers transferring open
opening saving as save as register autoinstall auto-install autoregister
Version : 7.00 7.00a
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: November 6, 1998