How to Receive Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles Via E-mailID: q183121
MSHelp is an automated response system that you can use to retrieve any
Microsoft Knowledge Base article or other Microsoft Technical Support
packaged content via e-mail.
NOTE: To receive messages back from MSHelp, you must include a valid
Article-ID, the single word "Index," or a valid packaged content ID in
the subject line of your e-mail message.
If you are unable to send or receive e-mail, please see the following Web page for additional support options:
You can use MSHelp by sending an e-mail message to In the subject line of your message, you can specify the content you want using any of the following choices.
Subject: Q162721You can have multiple articles sent to you in e-mail by typing multiple Article-ID numbers separated by a comma. For example:
Subject: Q162302, Q162304, Q162303Note that your e-mail request is processed within minutes of receipt.
Subject: IndexThe MSHelp Index is updated monthly.
Subject: 999998The Microsoft Knowledge Base is available at the following address on the World Wide Web:
Subject: 999998, 999976, Q162302
Additional query words: kbimu online fax requests order MSEARS MS-EARS EARS fetch obtain KB KBA imucon email electronic mail
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Issue type : kbhowto kbinfo
Last Reviewed: July 2, 1999