HOWTO: Send Message Using Outlook Object Model with Visual J++ID: Q216728
This article contains a code sample demonstrating how to use Outlook Object Model (OOM) to send mail with Visual J++.
Follow these steps to build and run this Visual J++ example:
import msoutl85.*; //In order to use Outlook Object Model
public class Class1
public static void main(String[] args)
{ // Start from the application
_Application olApp = (_Application) new Application();
// Get MAPI infostore
NameSpace mapiNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI");
// Create a null Parameter for later use
Variant nullParam = new Variant();
// Open the Outbox
MAPIFolder outbox = (MAPIFolder)mapiNS.GetDefaultFolder(
// Create a new message
_MailItem newMsg = (_MailItem)outbox.getItems().Add(nullParam);
// Set the subject
newMsg.setSubject("This is message from Jave!");
// Set the body
newMsg.setBody("How are you doing today!");
//Create an attachment, we need to do some preparation
// Get the source for the attachment
Variant source = new Variant();
// TODO: you may change the file path
// TODO: you may change the DisplayName
Variant displayName = new Variant();
// Specify the type of the attachment
Variant type = new Variant();
// Decide where you want to put the attachment
Variant position = new Variant();
// It is time to really create the attachment
Attachment attachment = (Attachment) newMsg.getAttachments().Add(source, type, position, displayName);
// Create a Recipient
// TO DO: change to your recipient's name!
Recipient recipient = (Recipient) newMsg.getRecipients().Add( "MyName");
// Set type to the recipient
// Resolve the recipient
// Send the new message
// Clean up
olApp = null;
mapiNS = null;
outbox = null;
newMsg = null;
recipient = null;
attachment = null;
catch(java.lang.Exception e)
System.out.println( "Failed!" );
System.out.println("Program is terminated");
For more information about using OOM with Visual J++, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q216726 How to Create Task and Appointment using Outlook Object Model with Visual J++
Additional query words: kbMsg kbOutlookObj kbOutlook850 kbOutlook98 kbVJ600 kbGrpMsg
Keywords : kbMsg kbOutlook98 kbOutlookObj kbVJ600 kbOutlook850
Version : WINDOWS:6.0,98
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: March 27, 1999