HOWTO: Use CDO to Loop Through All Mailboxes in the GALID: Q203019
Using CDO, you can obtain a list of mailboxes from the Global Address List (GAL), and then using the ProfileInfo parameter of the Session.Logon method, you can loop through all of the mailboxes. Within that loop, you can either get information from the mailbox or perform maintenance on the mailboxes. This article demonstrates how to do this.
NOTE: To be able to log onto each mailbox, you must have sufficient permissions on each of the mailboxes. The section of the code that retrieves the mailbox names from the GAL needs permission only to view the GAL (as noted in the code), which most users can do. The section of code that loops through the mailboxes in the array needs greater permissions, something along the lines of Service Account Administrator. Service Account Administrator permissions are required due to the fact that the application is logging on to all of the mailboxes. Required permissions may also depend on what actions are being performed on each mailbox.
Here are the steps to create an application that will logon to all of the mailboxes in the Global Address List:
Const CdoPR_EMS_AB_HOME_MTA = &H8007001E
Sub GetMailboxList (objSession As MAPI.Session, _
aMailbox() As String, _
aServer() As String)
Dim oGAL As AddressList
Dim oAdrEntries As AddressEntries
Dim oAdrEntry As AddressEntry
Dim iCnt As Integer
Dim strRawServerInfo As String
Dim iStartServerName As Integer
Dim iEndServerName As Integer
Dim strHomeServer As String
Dim strMailboxName As String
Dim strFindServer As String
strFindServer = "/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn="
Set oGAL = objSession.AddressLists("Global Address List")
Set oAdrEntries = oGAL.AddressEntries
iCnt = 0
For Each oAdrEntry In oAdrEntries
'Ensure that only mailboxes are included, not custom recipients,
'distribution lists, or public folder entries in the GAL
If oAdrEntry.DisplayType = CdoUser Then
'Get the Home Server information from the AddressEntry
'Fields collection
strRawServerInfo = oAdrEntry.Fields(CdoPR_EMS_AB_HOME_MTA)
iStartServerName = InStr(1, strRawServerInfo, _
strFindServer) + Len(strFindServer)
iEndServerName = InStr(iStartServerName, strRawServerInfo, "/")
strHomeServer = Mid(StrRawServerInfo, iStartServerName, _
iEndServerName - iStartServerName)
'Get the mailbox name of AddressEntry
strMailboxName = oAdrEntry.Fields(CdoPR_ACCOUNT).Value
Debug.Print "Server: " & strHomeServer
Debug.Print "Mailbox: " & strMailboxName
iCnt = iCnt + 1
ReDim Preserve aMailbox(iCnt)
ReDim Preserve aServer(iCnt)
aServer(iCnt) = strHomeServer
aMailbox(iCnt) = strMailboxName
End If
Set oAdrEntry = Nothing
Set oAdrEntries = Nothing
Set oGAL = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Main()
Dim oSession As MAPI.Session
ReDim aMailboxList(1) As String
ReDim aserverlist(1) As String
Dim iBigLoop As Integer
Dim sServerName As String
Dim sProfileInfo As String
'TO DO: Change "ServerName" to the name of your Exchange Server
sServerName = "ServerName"
'TO DO: Change "MailboxName" to the name of a mailbox on the
' server specified above
sProfileInfo = sServerName & vbLf & "MailboxName"
Set oSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
oSession.Logon profileinfo:=sProfileInfo
GetMailboxList oSession, aMailboxList, aserverlist
For iBigLoop = 1 To UBound(aMailboxList)
sProfileInfo = aserverlist(iBigLoop) & vbLf & aMailboxList(iBigLoop)
oSession.Logon profileinfo:=sProfileInfo
Debug.Print oSession.CurrentUser.Name
' Do any processing here for each mailbox
Next iBigLoop
Set oSession = Nothing
End Sub
Additional query words: kbDSupport kbMsg kbCDO120 kbCDO121
Keywords : kbCDO120 kbCDO121 kbMsg kbGrpMsg
Version : WINDOWS:1.2,1.21
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: April 7, 1999