PRB: OWA HTML Form Converter Doesn't Convert Rich Text in Message BodyID: Q224495
The Microsoft Outlook HTML Forms Converter does not convert rich text in an Outlook form's message body. The text is converted, but all rich text formatting is lost.
In addition, URLs such as "file://" and "http://" in the body of the message text are converted to the HTML form as a plain text, losing their previous functionality.
If you wish to have the link on the newly created HTML form, manually edit the files that are generated for the HTML form to include the HTML code that creates the hyperlink on the form.
For more information on the Outlook HTML Form Converter search on the following keywords in Microsoft Developer's Network: "forms converter."
Additional query words: file:// http:// link kbGrpMsg kbMsg kbOutlook
Keywords : kbMsg kbOutlook kbGrpMsg
Version : WINDOWS:5.5
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: May 26, 1999