PRB: Path Not Found When Using CDONTS with IMCID: Q235681
If you have a configuration where, Microsoft Exchange server and Internet Information server (IIS) are installed on the same computer and the Internet Mail Services (IMS) from Microsoft Exchange server is being used to deliver SMTP messages, you might get the following error message when trying to send e-mail using the CDONTS.NewMail object:
'80070003' - The system cannot find the path specified
When the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack was installed on your server, it installs CDONTS. CDONTS, by default, is configured to use the Inetpub\Mailroot folders to send and receive e-mail. However, these folders do not exist unless the IIS SMTP service is also installed.
In the configuration mentioned in the SUMMARY section, IIS SMTP service is missing.
To resolve the missing IIS SMTP service, you need to set the pickup directory for CDONTS to the IMCDATA directory used by your IMS. Therefore, the messages created by CDONTS will be delivered by the Exchange IMS. One method to do this is to first install the IIS SMTP service, and then disable it.
This behavior is by design.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbXchge kbXchge550 kbMsg kbCDONTS kbGrpMsg kbDSupport
Version : WINDOWS:1.2,2.0; winnt:5.5
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: July 21, 1999