ACC: Changing and Option Affects Only One Instance of AccessID: Q90986
Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.
Two instances of Microsoft Access are joined to the same System.mdw in
Microsoft Access 7.0 and 97 (or System.mda in versions 1.x and 2.0),
but the options for both do not always appear to be the same
after being changed in one instance. However, the option window shows
them both as being changed.
When there are two instances of Microsoft Access running on the same computer, only the routines in the instance where the preferences are changed are called. The other instance does not have its memory copies updated.
This behavior is by design.
Many options are stored in memory so that they do not have to be read from
the preferences table every time they are accessed. The mechanism by which
the memory and disk copies are kept in synchronization is the array of
routines that is called whenever a preference is changed.
When there are two instances of Microsoft Access running, only the
routines in the instance changing preferences are called. The other
instance does not have its memory copies updated, but the options window
shows them as being changed.
In order to make the preference take effect in another instance on the
same system, the user either needs to shutdown and reopen this instance,
or change the preference and resave it.
This is not an issue for users on separate systems because their
preferences are stored per user.
For more information about "System.mdw", search the Help Index for "workgroup information file," or ask the Microsoft Access 97 Office Assistant.
Additional query words: options System
Keywords : kbusage GnlGlobl
Version : 1.0 1.10 2.0 7.0 97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: May 14, 1999