ACC95: What Is Setup/G? What Does the Log File Look Like?ID: Q148849
Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.
This article gives a brief overview of the Setup /G command line option for
Microsoft Access 95 version 7.0 Setup. This ACME Setup command causes a
Setup log to be generated during installation. This log contains
verification of the compliance checking, Registry entries, directory
creation and what files were copied to what directory from what CAB file.
This is an excellent tool to troubleshoot the installation process, to
identify where Setup may be failing, or to create a list of all the changes
made to the Registry.
The syntax for the Setup /G command is as follows
Setup /G <"C:\SULOG.TXT">
The Setup log consists of sections labeled as passes that note significant
events in the installation process. From this log, you can make inferences
as to the options chosen during Setup and where failures occurred. A brief
description of the log file follows.
The following is the header file of the Setup.stf (ACME Setup script file)
used to install Microsoft Access 7.0. This file contains the sequence of
instructions Setup is to follow for performing the installation. It
specifies when and where files are to be copied, what Registry entries are
to be created, and it defines the general logical flow of the installation
NOTE: Due to space constraints in the following sample log, an underscore
(_) at the end of a line is used as a line continuation character. This
underscore will not appear in an actual log file. Instead, a single, long
line will appear.
Microsoft Setup Log File Opened mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss
Version number:
Running under (Operating System Name).
[15:16:32 Start of Pass: 0]
[15:16:33 Start of Pass: 1]
Floppy mode
Processing the header information of the file:
Application name: Microsoft Access for Windows 95
Application version:
Frame bitmap: msaccbb.dll, 121, 122
Frame caption: Microsoft Access for Windows 95 Setup
Dialog caption base: Microsoft Access for Windows 95
Modules: MOM Class, Microsoft Office Manager,Jet Transporter 3.0,
Transporter, WindowsCRON,WinCron,OMain,Microsoft Access, msaccess,MS
Access,msarn110,MS Access Runtime,msarn200,MS Access Runtime,vb,MS
Visual Basic,vbrun100,MS Visual Basic Runtime
MSApps mode: local
INF file name: Acc95.INF
[15:16:40 Start of Pass: 2]
[15:16:40 Start of Pass: 3]
Writing registry key value: key = _
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS _
Setup (ACME)\User Info; value name = DefName; value = Brett Roy; _
Writing registry key value: key = _
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS _
Setup (ACME)\User Info; value name = DefCompany; value = Microsoft _
Product Support; Succeeded.
[15:16:50 Start of Pass: 5]
Object 5 - There is no existing Microsoft Access; installing to _
folder: C:\MSOffice\.
[15:16:54 Start of Pass: 6]
[15:17:15 Start of Pass: 10]
Setup has detected Microsoft Access version 1.X on your hard disk.
Would you like to have this version removed? Only the application's
files will be removed. Databases you created using the application will
not be removed. Older Version Detected {&No}
SpellchkIntl Action: Object 4935: checking for language code 409
SpellchkIntl Action: Object 4935: language 409 matched current user _
language 409
Object 4965 - File not copied: the existing file is the same or a _
newer version. (Path: C:\WINNT35\MSAPPS\Proof\MSSP_AM.LEX; Our _
version: No version; Existing version: No version)
SpellchkIntl Action: Object 4935: checking for language code 409
SpellchkIntl Action: Object 4935: language 409 matched current user _
language 409
[15:17:33 Start of Pass: 14]
Uncompressed copy file: 'C:\~MSSETUP.T\~msstfqf.t\offsetup.ttf' to: _
'C:\WINNT35\offsetup.ttf' Succeeded
Uncompressed copy file: _
'\\products1\release\APPS\ACCESS95\NETSETUP\ACME.EXE' to: _
'C:\MSOffice\Access\Setup\ACME.EXE' Succeeded
Uncompressed copy file: _
'\\products1\release\APPS\ACCESS95\NETSETUP\ACC95INV.DLL' to: _
'C:\MSOffice\Access\Setup\ACC95INV.DLL' Succeeded
Setup could not read from the file: _
'\\PRODUCTS1\RELEASE\APPS\ACCESS95\144\disk2\'. Setup _
Message {&Retry}
Setup could not read from the file: _
'\\PRODUCTS1\RELEASE\APPS\ACCESS95\144\disk2\'. Setup _
Message {Cancel}
Setup is not yet complete.
If you quit now, the product will not be installed properly.
Quit Setup? Setup Message {&Yes}
The compressed file _
'\\PRODUCTS1\RELEASE\APPS\ACCESS95\144\disk2\' cannot _
be decompressed and may be corrupted. Setup Message {OK}
[15:31:05 Start of Pass: 15]
Writing registry key value: key = _
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared _
Tools\mfc40; value name = Path; value = _
C:\WINNT35\System32\MFC40.DLL; Succeeded.
Creating registry key: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared _
Tools\mfc40\Clients'; Succeeded.
Writing registry key value: key = _
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared _
Tools\mfc40\Clients; value name = _
C:\MSOffice\Access\MSACCESS.EXE; value = ; Succeeded.
[15:35:16 Start of Pass: 16]
Object 935 - Creation Succeeded (Path: Microsoft Office, Target Path: _
C:\MSOffice\Access\Setup\Acme.exe, Icon Path: )
Object 1375 - BindImage Succeeded (Path: _
Object 4405 - Creation Succeeded (Path: Startup, Target Path: _
C:\MSOffice\Office\fastboot.exe, Icon Path: )
Object 6405 - Creation Succeeded (Path: Microsoft Office, Target Path:
C:\MSOffice\Access\MSACCESS.EXE, Icon Path: )
Object 6410 - Creation Succeeded (Path: Microsoft Office, Target Path:_
C:\MSOffice\Access\WRKGADM.EXE, Icon Path: )
Object 6420 - Creation Succeeded (Path: Microsoft Office, Target Path:_
C:\MSOffice\Access\ACREADME.TXT, Icon Path: )
[15:35:22 Start of Pass: 17]
Writing registry key value: key = _
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MS _
Setup (ACME)\Table Files; value name = Microsoft Access for Windows _
95@v7.00.00.925(1033); value = C:\MSOffice\Access\Setup\Acc95.stf; _
[15:35:22 Start of Pass: 18]
[15:35:22 Start of Pass: 19]
Removing file 'C:\WINNT35\offsetup.ttf': Succeeded
Removing file 'C:\WINNT35\offsetup.for': Succeeded
Microsoft Setup Log File Closed 12/12/95 16:00:01
Microsoft Office for Windows 95 Resource Kit, Chapter 9, "Customizing
Client Installations"
For more information about this topic, please see the following articles in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q119357 OFF: "How to Create a Custom Installation Script" (WC1046)
Q122523 Office Setup: Differences Between Shared and System Files
Q123586 ADT2: Setup Wizard Cannot Create Compact and Repair Icons
Keywords : kbsetup StpOthr
Version : 7.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: April 19, 1999