ACC2000: How to Create Running Totals in a QueryID: Q208714
This article demonstrates two methods that you can use to create a running
totals query. A running totals query is a query in which the total for each
record is a summation of that record and any previous records. This type of
query is useful for displaying cumulative totals over a group of records
(or over a period of time) in a graph or report.
Field: AYear: DatePart("yyyy",[OrderDate])
Total: Group By
Sort: Ascending
Show: Yes
The expression in the Field box displays and sorts the year portion of the OrderDate field.
Field: AMonth: DatePart("m",[OrderDate])
Total: Group By
Sort: Ascending
Show: Yes
The expression in the Field box sorts and displays the month portion of the Order Date field as an integer value from 1 to 12.
Field: RunTot: DSum("Freight","Orders","DatePart('m', _
[OrderDate])<=" & [AMonth] & " And DatePart('yyyy', _
[OrderDate])<=" & [AYear] & "")
Total: Expression
Show: Yes
The expression in the Field box uses the DSum() function to sum the Freight field when the values in both the AMonth and the AYear fields are less than or equal to the current record that the query is processing.
Field: FDate: Format([OrderDate],"mmm")
Total: Group By
Sort: Ascending
Show: Yes
The expression in the Field box displays each month in a textual format, such a Jan, Feb, Mar, and so on.
Field: DatePart("yyyy",[OrderDate])
Total: Where
Criteria: 1997
Show: No
The expression in the Field box filters the query's recordset to include data from 1997 only.
AYear AMonth RunTot FDate
1997 1 2238.98 Jan
1997 2 3840.43 Feb
1997 3 5729.24 Mar
1997 4 8668.34 Apr
1997 5 12129.74 May
1997 6 13982.39 Jun
1997 7 17729.29 Jul
1997 8 22204.73 Aug
1997 9 26565.26 Sep
1997 10 32031.38 Oct
1997 11 36192.09 Nov
1997 12 42748.64 Dec
Field: EmpAlias: EmployeeID
Total: Group By
Show: Yes
This field groups data by EmployeeID.
Field: Freight
Total: Sum
Show: Yes
This field sums the freight data.
Field: RunTot: Format(DSum("Freight","Orders","[EmployeeID]<=" _
& [EmpAlias] & ""),"$0,000.00")
Total: Expression
Show: Yes
The expression in the Field box uses a DSum() function to sum the Freight field when the EmployeeID is less than or equal to the current EmpAlias, and then formats the field in dollars.
Employee SumOfFreight RunTot
Davolio, Nancy $8,836.64 $8,836.64
Fuller, Andrew $8,696.41 $17,533.05
Leverling,Janet $10,884.74 $28,417.79
Peacock, Margaret $11,346.14 $39,763.93
Buchanan, Steven $3,918.71 $43,682.64
Suyama, Michael $3,780.47 $47,463.11
King, Robert $6,665.44 $54,128.55
Callahan, Laura $7,487.88 $61,616.43
Dodsworth, Anne $3,326.26 $64,942.69
For more information about totals queries, click Microsoft Access Help on the
Help menu, type perform calculations in a query in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard,
and then click Search to view the topics returned.
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbdta QryTotal QryHowto
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: July 19, 1999