ACC2000: How to Determine Version of INSTCAT.SQL File on ServerID: Q209523
The INSTCAT.SQL file is used with the SQL Server ODBC driver to create stored procedures for use with SQL Server version 6.5. This file is included in SQL Server 6.5.
NOTE: The functionality provided in the INSTCAT.SQL file is integrated into SQL Server version 7.0.
This article describes the SQL stored procedure that you can use to query for the version number of the INSTCAT.SQL file that was run against the SQL Server computer.
You can install the latest INSTCAT.SQL file from SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 5a or from the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC).
You can download the Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 5a from the following Microsoft Web site: can download the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) from the following Microsoft Web site:
You can execute the following syntax in a pass-through query in Access and in a query window in SQL Server:
sp_server_info 500
The attribute_value field of the returned row contains the version number.
If an empty recordset is returned, it is likely that the INSTCAT.SQL file
was not run on the server. The result will resemble the following:
attribute_id attribute_name attribute_value
500 SYS_SPROC_VERSION 01.00.2101
For additional information about the INSTCAT.SQL file, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q208740 Microsoft Access 2000 Does Not Install INSTCAT.SQL
Additional query words: inf
Keywords : kb3rdparty kbdta OdbcOthr
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: August 9, 1999