ACC2000: Keeping Subreport or Text Box Data Together on a Page

ID: Q208541

The information in this article applies to:

Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.

This article applies to a Microsoft Access database (.mdb) and a Microsoft Access project (.adp).


Subreports and text box controls do not have a KeepTogether property to prevent the controls' data from printing across two or more pages. However, you can simulate the KeepTogether property behavior by creating "artificial" group sections and placing the subreport and text box controls in these sections. Then, you can set the group's KeepTogether property to Yes, which causes Microsoft Access to test the layout of the controls before printing them and to keep the text together on one page.


The following steps use the sample database Northwind.mdb to demonstrate how you can use report sections to simulate a KeepTogether property for subreport and text box controls.

Creating a Subreport

  1. Open the sample database Northwind.mdb or Access project NorthwindCS.adp.

  2. Run the Report Wizard to create a report based on the Products table.

  3. In the Which Fields do you want on your report? screen, add the following fields to the Selected Fields list:

  4. ProductName
  5. Click Finish.

  6. Close the report.

  7. In the Database window, right-click the Products report, and then click Rename on the menu that appears. Type the following name for the report, and then press ENTER:

  8. srptProducts

Creating a Main Report

  1. Run the Report Wizard to create a report based on the Categories table.

  2. In the Which Fields do you want on your report? screen, add all of the fields to the Selected Fields list.

  3. Click Finish.

  4. Close the report.

  5. In the Database window, right-click the Categories report, and then click Rename on the menu that appears. Type the following name for the report, and then press ENTER:

  6. rptCategories
  7. Open the rptCategories report in Design View.

  8. On the View menu, click Sorting and Grouping.

  9. Under the Field/Expression list, select CategoryID in the first row and type the following expression in the second row (below CategoryID):

  10. =1
  11. For the "=1" expression, select "Yes" in the GroupFooter property.

Adding the Subreport to the Main Report

  1. Drag the srptProducts report from the Database window to the "=1" group footer to create the subreport container.

  2. Change the following subreport control properties:

  3. Name: Products
    ControlSource: Report.srptProducts
    LinkChildFields: CategoryID
    LinkMasterFields: CategoryID
    CanGrow: Yes
    Left: 0
    Top: 0
    Width: 7
    Height: .25
  4. Select the "=1" group footer and set its properties as follows:

  5. KeepTogether: Yes
    CanGrow: Yes
    Height: .25
  6. Preview the rptCategories report. Note that the subreport data is printed on one page, rather than across two or more pages.

Additional Notes

Additional query words: inf

Keywords          : kbdta FmrHowto 
Version           : WINDOWS:2000
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbhowto 

Last Reviewed: June 10, 1999