ACC2000: Pages May Not Reflect Specified Hyperlink ColorsID: Q206141
Data access pages may not use the Hyperlink color setting and the Followed hyperlink color setting that you can set in the Web Options dialog box in Microsoft Access. Pages also do not use the Visited, Unvisited, and Hover colors that you can set in the Colors dialog box in Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0.
Pages use the color violet for Hyperlink color (Unvisited). The color used for Followed hyperlink color (Visited) is based on the setting at the time that you create the page.
NOTE: The page does not automatically update the color if you change the Followed hyperlink color.
You can use the Microsoft Script Editor, or any text editor, to change the HTML file so that the code specifies which color to use, depending on the state of a hyperlink.
There are two common states for hyperlinks in HTML: link (Hyperlink color) and vlink (Followed hyperlink color).
An example of the syntax to handle these states is:
<BODY link=#800080 vLink=#ff00ff>
The following table contains the hexadecimal value for some common colors used in HTML files:
Pages do not automatically use Hover colors.
Color Hex Value Aqua #00FFFF Black #000000 Blue #0000FF Fuchsia #FF00FF Gray #808080 Green #008000 Lime #00FF00 Maroon #800000 Navy #000080 Olive #808000 Purple #800080 Red #FF0000 Silver #C0C0C0 Teal #008080 White #FFFFFF Yellow #FFFF00
Additional query words: DAP prb
Keywords : kbdta AccDAP
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: July 8, 1999