XL: Macro to Save Data as Tab-Delimited File without QuotesID: Q104997
In Microsoft Excel, to save a selection of data as a tab-delimited
text file, select the Text file format in the Save File As Type box in
the Save As dialog box. When you save a file in this format, if any of
the cells in the spreadsheet contain commas, quotation marks, or other
characters that could be misinterpreted when you reopen the file,
Microsoft Excel encloses those values in quotation marks.
If you want to create a tab-delimited text file and you do not want
these additional quotation marks to be added, you must use a macro to
save the data to a text file.
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To create a tab-delimited text file without enclosing text strings in
quotation marks, use the appropriate method for your version of Excel.
a. Right-click a sheet tab and then click Insert.
b. In the Insert dialog box, click to select MS Excel 4.0 Macro
c. Click OK.
A1: TextFile Macro
A2: =SET.NAME("nextcol",0)
A3: getname=FOPEN(INPUT("Filename:",2),3)
A5: =FOR.CELL("current",SELECTION())
A6: =IF(AND(ISNUMBER(current),GET.CELL(7,current)<>"General"))
A7: =FWRITE(getname,TEXT(current,GET.CELL(7,current)))
A8: =ELSE()
A9: =FWRITE(getname,current)
A10: =END.IF()
A11: =SET.NAME("nextcol",nextcol+1)
A12: =IF(nextcol=colcount)
A13: =FWRITE(getname,CHAR(13)&CHAR(10))
A14: =SET.NAME("nextcol",0)
A15: =ELSE()
A16: =FWRITE(getname,CHAR(9))
A17: =END.IF()
A18: =NEXT()
A19: =FCLOSE(getname)
A20: =RETURN()
A1: TextFile Macro
A2: =SET.NAME("nextcol",0)
A3: getname=FOPEN(INPUT("Filename:",2),3)
A5: =FOR.CELL("current",SELECTION())
A6: =IF(AND(ISNUMBER(current),GET.CELL(7,current)<>"General"))
A7: =FWRITE(getname,TEXT(current,GET.CELL(7,current)))
A8: =ELSE()
A9: =FWRITE(getname,current)
A10: =END.IF()
A11: =SET.NAME("nextcol",nextcol+1)
A12: =IF(nextcol=colcount)
A13: =FWRITE(getname,CHAR(13)&CHAR(10))
A14: =SET.NAME("nextcol",0)
A15: =ELSE()
A16: =FWRITE(getname,CHAR(9))
A17: =END.IF()
A18: =NEXT()
A19: =FCLOSE(getname)
A20: =RETURN()
A1: Macro name.
A2: Initialize a variable "nextcol" equal to zero.
A3: Open a sequential file for write access using user-provided name
stored in "getname".
A4: Initialize a variable "colcount" to number of columns in the
selected range.
A5: Begin a FOR.CELL loop through the selected range.
A6: Check to see if current cell contains a number not formatted to
A7: If the current cell meets above criteria, write current cell
contents to file with formatting.
A8: Otherwise
A9: Write current cell contents to file without formatting.
A10: End If clause.
A11: Increment "nextcol".
A12: Check to see if end of current row in selection.
A13: Write return and line feed to file.
A14: Reset "nextcol" to zero.
A15: Otherwise
A16: Write a tab character to file.
A17: End If clause.
A18: Go to next loop iteration.
A19: Close file on completion.
A20: End macro.
Additional query words: 4.00a
Keywords : kbmacro kbprg kbprb
Version : WINDOWS:2.X,3.0,4.0,4.0a,97; OS2: 2.2,3.0
Platform : OS/2 WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: May 17, 1999