XL98: "Set Language" Add-In Available to Specify Language Used by DictionaryID: Q181974
Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition includes several foreign language
proofing tools that Office programs can use to proof documents in a
language other than English. To change the language Microsoft Excel
uses to check the spelling in your workbooks, you must
first install the Set Language add-in, which is available in the Value
Pack:Proofing Tools folder on the Office compact disc (CD).
This article explains how to change the language Excel uses to check the
spelling in your worksheets.
NOTE: Proofing tools other than dictionaries are available in the
Value Pack and can be used by the other Office programs. However, Microsoft
Excel can use only the foreign language dictionaries that are installed by
the Value Pack Installer program to check the spelling in worksheets.
To change the language Microsoft Excel uses to check the spelling in Excel
worksheets, follow these steps.
NOTE: If you have already run the Value Pack Installer to install
one or more of the available foreign language proofing tools, skip to step
Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
The dictionary for <foreign language> is not installed in the Microsoft Office 98:Shared Applications:Proofing Tools folder. You can install more dictionaries from the Value Pack. To continue with this language selected, click OK. Make sure you install the dictionary and restart Excel before you check spelling To return to the Language dialog box and select a different language, click Cancel.
For additional information, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q181965 OFF98: Not All Languages Listed in Language Dialog are Available
Additional query words: XL98 OFF98 ValuPack
Keywords : kbfile
Version : MACINTOSH:98
Platform : MACINTOSH
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: May 17, 1999