FP97: Overview of FrontPage Discussion Web ArchitectureID: Q177092
This article describes which files and processes are needed to administer a FrontPage Discussion Web and offers tips for keeping a Discussion Web functioning correctly.
The following main components provide the foundation for the FrontPage
Discussion Web, assuming you selected the Use Threaded Replies option when
you created the Discussion Web by using the Discussion Web Wizard.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="FORMATTER" content="Microsoft FrontPage 2.0">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 2.0">
<dt><!--webbot bot="FormInsertHere" startspan
descr="The WebBot FormInsertHere Component indicates the point
in an HTML file where you want a WebBot SaveResults, Registration, or
Discussion Component to insert new results." --><em>Form Results
Inserted Here</em><!--webbot
bot="FormInsertHere" i-checksum="34463" endspan --></dt>
After the first article is posted, the Tocproto.htm file will reflect the
changes as follows.
* <dl>
* <dt><b><a HREF="00000001.htm" NAME="00000001">Test</a></b><i>
* Test 11/18/97</i></dt>
* <dd><dl>
* <dt><b><a HREF="00000002.htm" NAME="00000002">Re: Test</a></b><i>
* Test 11/18/97</i></dt>
* <dd><dl>
* <!--webbot bot="FormInsertHere" S-RepliesTo="00000002"
* startspan --><!--webbot bot="FormInsertHere" endspan
* i-checksum="0" -->
* </dl>
* </dd>
* <!--webbot bot="FormInsertHere" DESCR="The FrontPage
* FormInsertHere Component indicates the point in an HTML file
* where you want a default WebBot Registration or Discussion
* component to insert new results." S-RepliesTo="00000001" startspan
* --><!--webbot bot="FormInsertHere" endspan i-checksum="0" -->
* </dl>
* </dd>
Notice below how the addition of another article (the reply) to that
posting is indented.
* <dl>
* <dt><b><a HREF="00000001.htm" NAME="00000001">Test</a></b><i>
* Test 11/18/97</i></dt>
* <dd><dl>
* <dt><b><a HREF="00000002.htm" NAME="00000002">Re: Test</a></b><i>
* Test 11/18/97</i></dt>
* <dd><dl>
* <!--webbot bot="FormInsertHere" S-RepliesTo="00000002"
* startspan --><!--webbot bot="FormInsertHere" endspan
* i-checksum="0" -->
* </dl>
* </dd>
* <!--webbot bot="FormInsertHere" DESCR="The FrontPage
* FormInsertHere Component indicates the point in an HTML file
* where you want a default, Registration, or Discussion Component
* to insert new results." S-RepliesTo="00000001" startspan
* --><!--webbot bot="FormInsertHere" endspan i-checksum="0" -->
* </dl>
* </dd>
A new thread posted to the discussion group will begin at a new indention
and replies to that posting will appear indented under the new thread as
shown above. This structure will continue throughout continuous replies
and with replies to a reply.
where <DT> denotes Designated Term, <DD> denotes Designated Definition, and <DL> denotes Designated List. Note that each of these elements requires an ending tag (</DT>, </DD>, and </DL>). These tags provide the formatting information that displays the threads correctly.
The point at which the new article is inserted.s-repliesto=x:
This is an argument for the FormInsertHere component. It instructs the particular instance of the component to accept replies to posts of a specific article number.
This file is used as the contents page of your discussion Web. The body of the Tocproto.htm file (described above) is included in this page using the WebBot Include component.Disc#_toc.htm:
This file is used as the contents page of your discussion Web. The body of the tocproto.htm file, is included in this page using the WebBot Include component. Unlike disc#_tocf.htm, this file also includes _private/disc1_head.htm (header) and _private/disc1_foot.htm (footer).
For additional information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q154675 FP: How to Edit/Delete Articles in a FrontPage Discussion Web
Q169835 FP: Discussion Web Message Won't Keep Formatting after Posting
Q152097 FP: Files in Discussion Web Are Overwritten
Q143101 Using FrontPage Without the Server Extensions
Q176927 FP: Newest to Oldest Order Doesn't Work in Discussion Web
Additional query words: 97 98 discussion Web functionality
Keywords : kbdta fpexp fpedit fphtml
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: July 22, 1999