XFOR: IMC NDRs Messages Stating the Message was MalformedID: Q164315
Some users can not send mail from Microsoft Exchange Server out the Internet Mail Connector (IMC) or Internet Mail Service (IMS). These users are not notified of the message failure and will be under the impression that the mail was sent successfully. However, the administrator of the IMC or IMS will receive a Non-Delivery Report (NDR) message.
When the administrator opens the NDR they will notice the following subject line and body content:
Subject: Notification: Outbound Mail Failure - Message could not be
Body: The mail message was not sent - The message was Malformed.
The message that caused this notification was:
<copy of message>2
Upon opening the copy of the message, the following error will be
The default form will display a new message with an UNKNOWN entry in the From field. Another copy of the message will be in the body and may be opened successfully. This message will show the original message. If this message has a True Type font that comes with Office 97 the IMC or IMS may fail reading this font. The IMC's or IMS's failure is related to a fix in Windows NT Server 3.51 Service Pack 5 (SP5). A known font that causes this problem is Monotype Corsiva.The message could not be displayed the object could not be opened
Launching the default form instead.
Q152051 TITLE: IBM Gothic Box Font Appears GarbledTo overcome this problem, upgrade Windows NT 3.51 to SP5 or NT 4.0 and reapply the most recent Microsoft Exchange Service Pack.
Q142798 AutoCorrect Incorrectly Expands Words in a Table
Q128531 README.TXT: Windows NT Version 3.51 U.S. Service Pack
Keywords : XFOR
Version : 4.0 5.0
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type :
Last Reviewed: May 5, 1999