FP2000: Object Failed to Load Error In Script Editor When Working With Positioned ActiveX Controls

ID: Q219685

The information in this article applies to:


After you absolutely position an ActiveX control (such as an Office Spreadsheet or Chart) on your web page and then open the Microsoft Script Editor, you receive the following error message:

An object has failed to load. The object will be displayed as text.


If you have absolutely positioned a control on your page, you may receive the previously described error message, and the control may appear as text.


The code that is displayed is correct for the control that you have inserted. If you modify the control's code, it will modify the control.

You may modify the control by changing the code in this manner. It is suggested to make your necessary changes in FrontPage.

The script editor may not display absolutely positioned controls. If you must see the control in a visual format in the script editor, you can not absolutely position the control.

Everything in the script editor will continue to work correctly. The only difference is that the ActiveX control's code will appear instead of the control itself.

Additional query words: front page

Keywords          : kbdta 
Version           : WINDOWS:
Platform          : WINDOWS 
Issue type        : kbprb 

Last Reviewed: July 1, 1999