FP2000: Configuration Settings to Assist in Securing Database Information on a Web ServerID: Q232645
FrontPage 2000 provides any authorized FrontPage author with rich database authoring capabilities. Webmasters providing FrontPage web space to multiple individuals or organizations will want to review methods of securing database information to ensure that all access to data on the web server is authorized.
In addition to these configuration settings, when FrontPage creates a database in the current web, it does so in a folder that is marked non-browsable, thereby prohibiting browsers from downloading entire databases.
The ListSystemDSNs and NoMarkScriptable configuration settings are made in the registry of the computer that hosts the FrontPage webs. They can be set either globally (for the whole computer) or on a per-virtual-server basis. Global settings are placed within the following registry key:
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Shared Tools/Web Server Extensions/All Ports
while per-vserver settings are placed within the following key:
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Shared Tools/Web Server Extensions/Ports/Port xxxx
ListSystemDSNs (string) = "0" or "1"
NoMarkScriptable (string) = "0" or "1"
This setting works the same as the NoMarkScriptable setting. NOTE: If NoMarkScriptable is 1 for a server, but vti_nomarkscriptable is set to 0 for a web on that server, then the remote client can mark directories as being "scriptable". This allows webmasters to disallow scripting for all webs on a server but then selectively re-enable scripting for specific webs.
Further information about configuration settings for servers running FrontPage Server Extensions can be found in the appendixes of the Server Extensions Resource Kit at
Additional query words: front page fpfaq
Keywords : kbdta
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: July 1, 1999