FP97: "Unable to Include File" Error on FrontPage 2000 Web ServerID: Q219089
When you open a page that contains an include page in FrontPage 97 from a web server with FrontPage 2000 server extensions, you may receive the following error message:
Where <foldername> is the name of the folder that contains the page and <includedpage> is the name of the page you are trying to include.Error: Unable to include file: <foldername>/<includedpage>
The file contains a folder that does not allow files to be browsed. Although you can open the page in that folder, the web server does not allow files to be browsed.
When you open the page in FrontPage 97, FrontPage 97 attempts to browse to the included page on the server. Because browse access is disabled for the folder, you will receive the error message described in the SYMPTOMS section of this article.
If you need to use the FrontPage 97 client softwre to change an included file and you are using a web server with FrontPage 2000 server extensions, you need to enable browse access to the folder that contains the included page or move the file to a location that can be browsed.
If you have access to a computer with FrontPage 98 or FrontPage 2000 client software, follow these steps:
Additional query words: front page
Keywords : kbdta
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbbug
Last Reviewed: July 1, 1999