ACC1x: "Out of Memory" Error Message When Exporting TableID: Q101080
When you are exporting a Microsoft Access table, an "Out of Memory" error message occurs.
This error message can occur if you have included a nonalphanumeric character in your table name. Examples of nonalphanumeric characters include the colon (:) and the comma (,).
Rename the table, making sure not to include any nonalphanumeric characters in the table name.
This problem no longer occurs in Microsoft Access version 2.0.
If the export table name you create in the File Name box of the Export to File dialog box contains any non-alphanumeric characters, Microsoft Access tries to create a filename with these characters and causes an MS-DOS error. This error occurs when you are exporting to any data destination that creates an MS-DOS filename for the table.
Microsoft Access
Out of Memory
Additional query words: import paradox excel fixed
Keywords : kb3rdparty IsmTxtd
Version : 1.0 1.1
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: March 25, 1999