FP98: PWS Repeatedly Prompts for User Name, PasswordID: Q194482
FrontPage does not accept the name and password you typed in the Name And Password Required dialog box, and prompts you repeatedly for your name and password. This problem occurs even if you typed the correct user name and password.
In many cases, this problem occurs when you enter an invalid user name
and/or password in the Name And Password Required dialog box. However, you
may also experience this problem if you are running the Microsoft Personal
Web Server and you attempt to author against the server from a remote
computer. This occurs because the Microsoft Personal Web Server enforces
security settings when you attempt to access it from a remote computer.
This problem occurs when you attempt to open the <Root Web> or create
a new Web from a remote computer, if all of the following are true:
To resolve this problem and allow users (including the original author of the Web) to author and administer the <Root Web> or subwebs remotely, set permissions for the <Root Web> or subwebs using FrontPage Explorer.
The Microsoft Personal Web Server only enforces security settings if
you access it from a remote computer. If no accounts are granted authoring
privileges on the Web server, you will only notice the effect when you
access the server from a remote computer. As long as you run FrontPage on
the same computer as the Web server, none of the security settings of the
server are used.
In Microsoft FrontPage, you do not need to set permissions to author
or administer Webs locally from the Microsoft Personal Web Server. In
contrast, the FrontPage Personal Web Server requires a name and
password to author or administer Webs remotely and locally.
An administrator of a Web that is hosted on a Microsoft Personal Web Server
can create or delete FrontPage Webs, designate administrators and authors,
and restrict access to a FrontPage Web. Authors can create or delete pages
from a FrontPage Web.
For additional information, please see the following articles in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q161964 FP: Permissions Not Retained When Web Is RenamedFor more information about FrontPage Web administration, click the Index tab in Microsoft FrontPage Help, type the following text
Q194454 FP98: Permissions Change After Reinstalling Extensions
Q151351 FP: Web Permissions Must Be Unique to Be Modified
authorizingand then double-click the selected text to go to the "To authorize a group of FrontPage Web administrators (Internet Information Server (IIS) or Microsoft Personal Web Server)" topic.
authorsand then double-click the selected text to go to the "To authorize a FrontPage Web author" topic.
Additional query words: mspws fp98
Keywords : fppws
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: July 28, 1999