OFF2000: Setup Command-Line Switches for Office 2000ID: Q202946
The Office Setup program accepts a number of optional command-line switches that you can use to control how the Setup program operates. This article lists the switches and describes the functionality of each switch.
Important Notes
Setup /i data1.msi /l* c:\logfile.txt
The following table lists the Setup switches.
Switch Description
/? Displays a dialog box of valid Setup switch options.
/a <msifile> Setup performs an administrative installation using
the specified Microsoft Installer (.msi) file to
create an administrative install point. The .msi file
must be in the same folder as Setup.exe.
NOTE: This option cannot be used along with the /i
switch (discussed later).
Example: /a data1.msi
/autorun This switch is only used in the autorun.inf file. Its
purpose is to indicate that Setup is being run by
Windows automatically after you insert the Office disc
in the CD-ROM drive.
Caution: Do not modify the autorun.inf file. The
information it contains is necessary for the proper
operation of Setup.
/g <option> Language ID. English is ID 1033. See the Office
Resource Kit for a complete list of language IDs.
Example: /g 1033
/i <msifile> Specifies the name of the .msi file. This option
cannot be used along with the /a option. The .msi
file must be in the same folder as Setup.exe.
Example: /i mso9.msi
/j<option> Creates an icon representing an Office program or
<package path> feature that is configured during Setup to install
the first time you use it ("Installed on first use").
Valid options are:
u: Current user logged on to Windows.
m: All users using the computer.
g: Language ID.
t: Applies transform to advertised package.
Note: When using the /j switch with a TRANSFORMS file
the /t switch should be used to point to a particular
transforms list. Otherwise with other switches the
TRANSFORMS property should be used.
Example: /ju c:\data1.msi
Example: /ju c:\data1.msi /t install.mst
Example: /ju c:\data1.msi /g 1033
/f<options> Setup repairs the Office installation. The .msi file
<package path> specified must be .msi file used to install Office
originally. The .msi file must be in the same folder
as Setup.exe.
The Detect and Repair command (Help menu) if Office
programs perform the same function as using the
following options, /focums.
If you run Setup and click Reinstall. Setup performs
the same function as using the following options,
/fecum. Valid options are:
a -Force all files to be reinstalled regardless of
checksum or version.
c -Reinstall a file if it is missing or corrupted (the
stored checksum doesn't match the computed
checksum value).
d -Reinstall a file if it is missing or a different
version is present.
e -Reinstall a file if it is missing or an equal or
older version is present.
m -Rewrite all required local machine registry values.
o -Reinstall a fle if it is missing, or an older
version is present.
p -Reinstall a file only if it is missing.
s -Reinstall all shortcuts overwriting any existing
u -Rewrite all required user registry values.
v -Run from the source package and recache the local
Example: /focums data1.msi
/l<option> Logs switches for Msiexec.exe (the Windows installer)
<logfile> and specifies the path to the log file. The flags
indicate which information to log. Valid options are:
a -Startup of actions.
c -Initial UI parameters.
e -All error messages.
i -Status messages.
m -Out of memory.
o -Disk space errors.
r -Action-specific records.
p -Terminal properties.
u -User requests.
v -Verbose output.
w -Nonfatal warnings.
+ -Append to existing file.
* -Log all information except verbose output. You can
use the v switch along with the asterisk, /l*v.
! -Writes each line to the log file. The default
behavior is to cache 20 lines of log file text
into memory and then write 20 lines to the log
file at once. This is done to improve performance.
Example: /l* c:\logfile.txt
/m <.mif file> Specifies an SMS .mif file.
The /m switch is available with the enhanced version
of Setup.exe. It will only appear when you run the
command, "Setup /?" (without the quotation marks). For
information about the enhanced version of Setup.exe,
please see the following article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
TITLE : OFF2000: Description of the Special Copy
of Setup.exe from ORK
<PROPERTY>=<value> Specifies a value for any of the Installer properties
(see the Office Resource Kit for a complete listing
of valid properties). If the property value contains
spaces, enclose the string in quotation marks
("<value>"). You can specify more than one property
and value pair on the command line separated by
Example: TRANSFORMS="c:\acct dept"
/q<option> Selects the user interface level. Valid options are:
n: None - No user interface is displayed.
b: Basic - Only simple progress indicators and error
are displed.
r: Reduced - No user information is collected and
full progress indicators and errors are displayed.
f: Full - All indicators with a modal dialog box at
the end of setup.
n+: No user interface except for a modal dialog box
displayed at the end.
b+: Basic user interface with a modal dialog box
displayed at the end.
Note: The modal dialog box is not displayed if the
user cancels the installation.
Example: /qn
/settings Specifies a settings file and path that customizes
<INI file> setup actions.
/settings c:\office9.ini
/t <transform> Specifies the name of the transform (.mst) file. The
/i switch is required with the /t switch. When using
the /j switch with a transforms file, the /t switch
must be used otherwise the TRANSFORMS property should
be used.
Example: /t acct.mst /i off9.msi
/wait Wait for the installation to complete before exiting
the Setup program.
/x <msifile> Setup uninstalls Office. The .msi file specified
must be the same .msi file used to install Office
originally. The .msi file must be in the same folder
as Setup.exe.
Example: /x data1.msi
Additional query words: OFF2000 parameters command-line switches
Keywords : kbsetup kbdta
Version : WINDOWS:2000
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo
Last Reviewed: July 19, 1999