OFF97: Opening and Closing Programs or Files May Be SlowID: Q167081
When you open or close any of the programs listed at the beginning of this article, the program may respond slowly. Also, when you open or close a document in any of these programs, the file may be opened or closed very slowly.
This problem occurs if Microsoft Outlook automatically creates journal
entries for these programs. Microsoft Outlook creates entries for these
programs by default.
Note that this problem may occur even if Microsoft Outlook is not
currently running.
To work around this problem, disable the journalizing feature for the Microsoft Office 97 programs. To do this, use the following steps:
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Office 97 for
Windows. This problem was corrected in Microsoft Office 97 for Windows,
Service Release 1 (SR-1).
For additional information about SR-1, please see the following article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q172475 OFF97: How to Obtain and Install MS Office 97 SR-1For additional information about why files might open slowly, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q173815 Open File Is Slow When Using Novell IntranetWare Client
Additional query words: OFF97 XL97 WD97 PPT97 OL97 file save slow performance journaling
Keywords : kbdta
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: July 23, 1999