HOWTO: Automating Excel From Client-Side VBScriptID: Q198703
This article walks you through building a Web page that launches
and automates Microsoft Excel 97 when a user clicks a button. To
use this article you need to have the following:
Use the following steps:
Welcome to my web page! This page demonstrates the use of client-side
script by automating Microsoft Excel 97. Click the button below
to start the demonstration...
<INPUT id=button1 name=button1 type=button value=Button></P>
sub button1_onclick()
' Launch Excel.
dim app
set app = createobject("Excel.Application")
' Make it visible.
app.Visible = true
' Add a new workbook.
dim wb
set wb = app.workbooks.add
' Fill array of values first...
dim arr(19,9) ' Note: VBScript is zero-based
for i = 1 to 20
for j = 1 to 10
arr(i-1,j-1) = i*j
' Declare a range object to hold the data.
dim rng
set rng = wb.Activesheet.Range("A1").Resize(20,10)
' Now assign them all in one shot...
rng.value = arr
' Add a new chart based on the data.
wb.ActiveChart.ChartType = 70 'xl3dPieExploded
wb.ActiveChart.SetSourceData rng, 2 ' xlColumns
wb.ActiveChart.Location 2, "Sheet1" 'xlLocationAsObject
' Rotate it around...
for i = 1 to 360 step 30
wb.activechart.rotation = i
end sub
If you get the error, you need to change the security settings on your client-side browser. The instructions for making the change are in the article listed in the REFERENCES section.ActiveX component can't create object 'createobject'.
For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q195826 PRB: CreateObject Fails from Client-Side Scripts
Additional query words: kbDSupport
Keywords : kbASP kbExcel kbIE kbVisID
Version : WINDOWS:6.0,97; winnt:4.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: January 16, 1999