HOWTO: Create/Format an Excel Workbook Using Visual J++ AutomationID: Q219430
This article describes Automating Excel 97 or Excel 2000 from a Visual J++ client using the Java programming language. The project uses the Excel type library, and illustrates object oriented programming.
This article parallels a Microsoft Knowledge Base article that describes the same process using Visual C++ and Microsoft Foundation Classes. For more information regarding Automation of Excel from Visual C++, please see the following:
Q179706 HowTo: Use MFC to Automate Excel and Create and Format a Workbook
import Excel8.*; // Change the 8 to 9 for Excel 2000
// For Excel 2000 the statement should read
// import Excel9.*; // Excel support
import*; // Variant & exception support.
import java.lang.InterruptedException; // Needed for Thread.sleep().
(These are illustrated in the code sample below.)
* This class can take a variable number of parameters on the command
* line. Program execution begins with the main() method. The class
* constructor is not invoked unless an object of type 'Class1'
* created in the main() method.
import excel8.*; // or - import excel9.*; for Excel 2000
import java.lang.InterruptedException; // needed for thread.sleep
import*; // Variant & exception support<BR/>
public class Class1
* The main entry point for the application.
* @param args Array of parameters passed to the application
* via the command line.
// Add the following static member function declaration
// just before main()...
// J/Direct declarations... to use Windows MessageBox
/** @dll.import("USER32") */
private static native int MessageBox(int hwndOwner, String text,
String title, int fuStyle);
// Here is an example of its use.
// MessageBox(0, "Hello, World", "Title", 0); //fuStyle switch
// values are defined in Winuser.h. Search on 'MB_OK'
public static void main (String[] args)
// Force COM objects to be created on the current thread.
// Otherwise, older VMs might not release all references
// and Excel might continue to run after you shutdown.
// Launch Excel
Variant vEmpty = new Variant();
Application xlApp = new Application();
xlApp.setVisible(0,true); // 1st param is LCID, Locale ID
// Get the workbook object via the object model.
Workbooks books = xlApp.getWorkbooks();
_Workbook book = books.Add(vEmpty,0);
// Get the first sheet.
Sheets sheets = (Sheets)book.getSheets();
_Worksheet sheet = (_Worksheet)sheets.getItem(new Variant(1));
// Fill cells A1, B1, C1, and D1, one cell at a time, with "headers".
Range range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("A1"),new Variant("A1"));
range.setValue(new Variant("First Name"));
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("B1"),new Variant("B1"));
range.setValue(new Variant("Last Name"));
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("C1"),new Variant("C1"));
range.setValue(new Variant("Full Name"));
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("D1"),new Variant("D1"));
range.setValue(new Variant("Salary"));
// Format A1:D1 as bold, vertical alignment = center
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("A1"),new Variant("D1"));
Font font = range.getFont();
font.setBold(new Variant(true));
range.setVerticalAlignment(new Variant(-4108));
// Fill range A2:B6 with first and last names,
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("A2"),new Variant("A2"));
range.setValue(new Variant("John"));
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("B2"),new Variant("B2"));
range.setValue(new Variant("Smith"));
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("A3"),new Variant("A3"));
range.setValue(new Variant("Tom"));
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("B3"),new Variant("B3"));
range.setValue(new Variant("Brown"));
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("A4"),new Variant("A4"));
range.setValue(new Variant("Sue"));
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("B4"),new Variant("B4"));
range.setValue(new Variant("Thomas"));
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("A5"),new Variant("A5"));
range.setValue(new Variant("Jane"));
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("B5"),new Variant("B5"));
range.setValue(new Variant("Jones"));
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("A6"),new Variant("A6"));
range.setValue(new Variant("Adam"));
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("B6"),new Variant("B6"));
range.setValue(new Variant("Johnson"));
// Fill range C2:C6 with a relative formula(=A2 & " " & B2")
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("C2"),new Variant("C6"));
range.setFormula(new Variant("=A2 & \" \" & B2"));
// Fill D2:D6 with a formula (=RAND()*100000) and apply a
// number format
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("D2"),new Variant("D6"));
range.setFormula(new Variant("=RAND()*100000"));
range.setNumberFormat(new Variant("$0.00"));
// AutoFit columns A:D
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("A1"),new Variant("D1"));
Range columns = range.getEntireColumn();
// Manipulate a variable number of columns
// for Quarterly Sales Data
short NumQtrs;
String msg;
String msg2;
msg2 = " "; // Initialize it to avoid compile error
int reply;
Range resizedrange;
Interior interior;
Borders borders;
// Determine how many quarters to display data for.
for(NumQtrs = 1; NumQtrs<=4; NumQtrs++)
if (NumQtrs == 1)
msg = "Enter sales data for " + NumQtrs + " quarter?";
msg2 = "Displaying data for " + NumQtrs + " quarter";
msg = "Enter sales data for " + NumQtrs + " quarters?";
msg2 = "Displaying data for " + NumQtrs + " quarters";
reply = MessageBox(0, msg, "Indicate Quarters", 36);
if(6 == reply) break;
} // end For loop
MessageBox(0, msg2, "Data Setting", 0);
if(5 == NumQtrs) // Limit display to <=4 quarters
NumQtrs = 4;
// Starting at E1, fill headers for number of columns selected.
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("E1"),new Variant("E1"));
resizedrange = range.getResize(vEmpty, new Variant(NumQtrs));
new Variant("= \"Q\" & COLUMN()-4 & CHAR(10)& \"Sales\""));
// Change the Orientation and Wrap Text properties for the headers.
resizedrange.setOrientation(new Variant(38));
resizedrange.setWrapText(new Variant(true));
// Fill the interior colors of the headers.
interior = resizedrange.getInterior();
interior.setColorIndex(new Variant(36));
// Fill the columns with a formula and apply a number format.
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("E2"),new Variant("E6"));
resizedrange = range.getResize(vEmpty, new Variant(NumQtrs));
resizedrange.setFormula(new Variant("=RAND()*100"));
resizedrange.setNumberFormat(new Variant("$0.00"));
// Apply Borders to the Sales data and headers
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("E1"), new Variant("E6"));
resizedrange = range.getResize(vEmpty, new Variant(NumQtrs));
borders = resizedrange.getBorders();
borders.setWeight(new Variant(2)); // xlThin = 2
// Add Totals formula for Quarterly sales data, apply a border.
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("E8"),new Variant("E8"));
resizedrange = range.getResize(vEmpty, new Variant(NumQtrs));
resizedrange.setFormula(new Variant("=SUM(E2:E6)"));
borders = resizedrange.getBorders();
Border bottomborder;
bottomborder = borders.getItem(9); // Bottom border
bottomborder.setLineStyle(new Variant(-4119)); // xlDouble = -4119
bottomborder.setWeight(new Variant(4)); // xlThick = 4
// Some more features: Add comment to cell C3 - Full
// name of Tom Brown
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("C3"),new Variant("C3"));
range.AddComment(new Variant("Tom was last month's top performer"));
// Chart the Salaries.
double Left = 72.; // location in points
double Top = 144.;
double Width = 350.;
double Height = 250.;
ChartObjects chartobjects =
(ChartObjects)sheet.ChartObjects(vEmpty,0); // explicit typecast
ChartObject chartobject = chartobjects.Add(Left, Top, Width, Height);
// Set the location and size.
Chart chart = chartobject.getChart();
range = sheet.getRange(new Variant("C2"), new Variant("D6"));
// Full name and salary.
chart.ChartWizard(new Variant(range), // Source
new Variant(11), // Gallery
vEmpty, // Format
new Variant(1), // PlotBy
new Variant(0), // CategoryLabels
new Variant(1), // SeriesLabels
new Variant(true), // HasLegend
new Variant("Salary by Employee"), //Title
new Variant("Employee"), //CategoryTitle
new Variant("Salary"), //ValueTitle
vEmpty, // ExtraTitle
0 // LCID(localeID)
// Make the application visible and give the user control of
// Microsoft Excel.
// xlApp.setVisible(0,true); // 1st param is LCID, Locale ID.
// The preceding was done at beginning of the program.
MessageBox(0, "When Excel hides, Minimize VJ++ IDE to see Excel",
"Focus on Excel", 0);
//book.setSaved(0,true); // Avoid "Save changes" dialog
//xlApp.Quit(); // Not if using UserControl
} // End of Main
} // End of Class
For additional information about Visual J++ and Automation, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q169173 INFO: Frequently Asked Questions for Visual J++
Q169796 HOWTO: Automate Excel from Java
Q169802 SAMPLE: jword8.exe Demonstrates Automating Word 8 from Java
Q215484 HOWTO: Automate PowerPoint Using Visual J++
Q179706 HOWTO: Use MFC to Automate Excel and Create/Format a New Workbook
Q219151 HOWTO: Automate Excel from Visual Basic
Additional query words: jactivex Java Automation
Keywords : kbAutomation kbExcel kbVJ kbVJ600 kbGrpDSO kbexcel2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000,6.0,97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: July 12, 1999