HOWTO: Display ASP Results Using Excel in IE with MIME TypesID: Q199841
Instead of displaying your Web data in HTML tables, you can provide users with the option of displaying the data in Microsoft Excel. This article demonstrates how to create a Web page with tabular data obtained from Microsoft SQL Server, and render it in Excel inside the browser by associating the Web-page content with the MIME type in Excel.
To follow along with the steps and test the results, you need the following:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'Change HTML header to specify Excel's MIME content type
Response.Buffer = TRUE
Response.ContentType = "application/"
Here is the info you requested.<p>
' Create ADO Connection object
dim myConnection
set myConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
' Open SQL Server Pubs database...
myConnection.Open "DSN=pubs;UID=sa"
' Get a recordset of info from Authors table...
sqlStr = "SELECT au_fname,au_lname,phone FROM authors"
set rsAuthors = myConnection.Execute(sqlStr)
<!-- Our table which will be translated into an Excel spreadsheet -->
<TD><font size=+2>First Name</font></TD>
<TD><font size=+2>Last Name</font></TD>
<TD><font size=+2>Phone</font></TD>
<!-- server-side loop adding Table entries -->
<% do while not rsAuthors.EOF %>
<% rsAuthors.MoveNext
' Clean up
set rsAuthors = Nothing
set myConnection = Nothing
Additional query words: activexdocument docobject kbGrpDSO
Keywords : kbADO kbASP kbExcel kbSQLServ kbVisID kbGrpDSO
Version : WINDOWS:6.0,97; winnt:4.0
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: January 22, 1999