HOWTO: Use MFC to Create and Show a PowerPoint PresentationID: Q180616
This article shows how to automate Microsoft PowerPoint using the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library version 4.2 (installed with Microsoft Visual C++ versions 5.0 and 6.0). Specifically, this article illustrates how to create and show a PowerPoint presentation with automation.
You can copy the code in this article to the message handler function of an event defined in an MFC .cpp file. However, the purpose of the code is to illustrate the process of using the IDispatch interfaces and member functions defined in the Msppt8.olb type library. For PowerPoint 2000, use the Msppt9.olb type library. The primary benefit comes from reading and understanding the code in the example so that you can modify the example or write your own code to automate Microsoft PowerPoint 97 using MFC.
Q178749 HOWTO: Create an Automation Project Using MFC and a Type Library
#include "msppt8.h"
#include "graph8.h"
#include "msppt9.h"
#include "graph9.h"
// Commonly used OLE-variants.
_Application app;
Presentations presentations;
_Presentation presentation;
Slides slides;
_Slide slide;
ShapeRange shaperange;
Shapes shapes;
Shape shape;
TextFrame textframe;
TextRange textrange;
Font font;
FillFormat fillformat;
ColorFormat colorformat;
ShadowFormat shadow;
CString strOfficePath =
"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office";
AfxMessageBox("Could not create Powerpoint object.");
//Make the application visible and minimized.
app.SetWindowState((long) 2); //ppWindowMinimized=2
//Get the Presentations collection and create a new presentation
//from a template(.POT)
CString strTemplate;
strTemplate = strOfficePath +
CString("\\Templates\\Presentation Designs\\Dads Tie.pot");
presentation = presentations.Open(
strTemplate, //File name
(long)0, //Read-only
(long)-1, //Untitled
(long)-1 //WithWindow
slides = presentation.GetSlides();
//Add the first slide to the presentation.
slide = (slides.Add((long)1, (long)11)); //pptLayoutTitleOnly=11
//Modify the text and font name of the TextFrame on the slide.
shapes = slide.GetShapes();
shape = shapes.Item(COleVariant((short)1));
textframe = shape.GetTextFrame();
textrange = textframe.GetTextRange();
textrange.SetText("My Sample Presentation");//Set the text
font = textrange.GetFont();
font.SetName("Comic Sans MS"); //Set the font name.
font.SetSize((float)48); //Set the font size.
//Insert a picture into the slide and position it.
CString strPic1 =
strOfficePath + CString("\\Clipart\\Popular\\Amhappy.wmf");
strPic1, //Filename
(long)0, //LinkToFile
(long)-1, //SaveWithDocument
(float)150, //Left
(float)150, //Top
(float)500, //Width
(float)350 //Height
//Add the second slide to the presentation.
slide = (slides.Add((long)2, (long)11)); //pptLayoutTitleOnly=11
//Modify the text and font name of the
//TextFrame on the slide.
shapes = slide.GetShapes();
shape = shapes.Item(COleVariant((short)1));
textframe = shape.GetTextFrame();
textrange = textframe.GetTextRange();
textrange.SetText("Look! It's a Graph!");//Set the text
font = textrange.GetFont();
font.SetName("Comic Sans MS"); //Set the font name.
font.SetSize((float)48); //Set the font size.
//Add a Graph8 object to the slide.
shape = shapes.AddOLEObject(
(float)150, //Left
(float)150, //Top
(float)480, //Width
(float)320, //Height
"MSGraph.Chart", //Classname
"", //FileName
(long)0, //DisplayAsIcon
"", //IconFileName
(long)0, //IconIndex
"", //IconLabel
(long)0 //Link
//Modify the charttype of the graph.
Chart chart;
OLEFormat olefmt = shape.GetOLEFormat();
chart = olefmt.GetObject();
//Add the third slide to the presentation.
slide = (slides.Add((long)3, (long)12)); //ppLayoutBlank = 12
//Change the background color of the slide.
shaperange = slide.GetBackground();
fillformat = shaperange.GetFill();
colorformat = fillformat.GetForeColor();
colorformat.SetSchemeColor((long)3); //ppShadow = 3
//Add Text Effects to the last slide
shapes = slide.GetShapes();
shape = shapes.AddTextEffect(
(long)27, //PresetTextEffect (msoTextEffect28 = 27)
"The End", //Text
"Impact", //FontName
(float)96, //FontSize
(long)0, //FontBold
(long)0, //FontItalic
(float)230, //Left
(float)200 //Top
//Apply a gradient fill to the texteffect.
fillformat = shape.GetFill();
colorformat = fillformat.GetForeColor();
colorformat.SetSchemeColor((long)2); //ppForeground = 2
colorformat = fillformat.GetBackColor();
colorformat.SetSchemeColor((long)4); //ppTitle = 4
fillformat.TwoColorGradient ((long)1, (long)1);
//msoGradientHorizontal = 1
//Apply a shadow to the texteffect.
shadow = shape.GetShadow();
colorformat = shadow.GetForeColor();
colorformat.SetSchemeColor((long)2); //ppForeground = 2
SlideShowTransition show;
SlideShowSettings slideshow;
//Set the Transition effects for Slide 1.
slide = slides.Item(COleVariant((short)1));
show = slide.GetSlideShowTransition();
show.SetEntryEffect((long)769); //ppEffectBlindsHorizontal=769
//Set the Transition effects for Slide 2.
slide = slides.Item(COleVariant((short)2));
show = slide.GetSlideShowTransition();
show.SetEntryEffect((long)770); //ppEffectBlindsVertical=770
//Set the Transition effects for Slide 3.
slide = slides.Item(COleVariant((short)3));
show = slide.GetSlideShowTransition();
show.SetEntryEffect((long)3073); //ppEffectBoxOut=3073
//Run the show.
slideshow = presentation.GetSlideShowSettings();
//Quit the application after waiting 9 seconds (the length of the
//slide show).
CString strOfficePath =
"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office";
Additional query words: PPT PPT97 PPT2000
Keywords : kbinterop kbole kbAutomation kbMFC kbVC500 kbVC600 kbGrpDSO kbOffice2000 kbpowerpt2000
Version : WINDOWS:2000; winnt:5.0,6.0; :
Platform : WINDOWS winnt
Issue type : kbhowto
Last Reviewed: July 16, 1999