PRB: Error Passing Recordset to Excel Using Automation From VB

ID: Q172268

The information in this article applies to:


When you try to pass a Recordset object to Microsoft Excel using Automation from Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0, it fails with one of the following errors:

   Run-time error '1004': Cannot find macro '<procedure name>'.
   (If you are using Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, version 7.0)


   Run-time error '13': Type Mismatch
   (If you are using Microsoft Excel 97)

This article describes how you can work around this limitation and successfully pass a Recordset to Microsoft Excel.


One workaround is to pass the database and Recordset names as string arguments to an Excel procedure using Automation. The Excel procedure then creates the Database and Recordset objects and can therefore use CopyFromRecordset using its own Recordset object.

Another workaround is to copy the Recordset into an array and pass the array to Excel using Automation. Following is a step-by-step example on how to do this:

1. Start Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.

2. Add a command button to Form1.

3. Add a data control and set its properties as follows:

      DatabaseName       biblio.mdb
      RecordSource      Authors

4. Add the following code to the General Declarations section of Form1:

      ' User defined type to help determine the
      ' starting cell in the range receiving the recordset

      Option Explicit

      Private Type ExlCell
         row As Long
         col As Long
      End Type

      Private Sub CopyRecords(rs As Recordset, ws As Object, _
        StartingCell As ExlCell)
         Dim SomeArray() As Variant
         Dim row As Long, col As Long

         ' You might want to check if rs is not empty
         ' before re-dimensioning the array
         ReDim SomeArray(rs.RecordCount - 1, rs.Fields.Count - 1)

         ' Copy rs to some array
         For row = 0 To rs.RecordCount - 1
            For col = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
               SomeArray(row, col) = rs.Fields(col).Value
               ' Excel will be offended if you try setting one
               ' of its cells to a NULL
               If IsNull(SomeArray(row, col)) Then _
                 SomeArray(row, col) = ""

         ' The range should have the same number of
         ' rows and cols as in the recordset
         ws.Range(ws.Cells(StartingCell.row, StartingCell.col), _
           ws.Cells(StartingCell.row + rs.RecordCount - 1, _
           StartingCell.col + rs.Fields.Count - 1)).Value = SomeArray
      End Sub

      Private Sub Command1_Click()
         Dim stcell As ExlCell
         Dim objExlApp As Object

         ' Get an Excel app object reference
         On Error Resume Next
         Set objExlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
         ' If Excel is not launched start it
         If Err = 429 Then
            Err = 0
            Set objExlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
            ' Can't create object
            If Err = 429 Then
               MsgBox Err & ": " & Error
               Exit Sub
            End If
         End If
         On Error GoTo 0

         ' Add a new Workbook

         ' Select the first sheet

         ' Start fill range at A1
         stcell.row = 1
         stcell.col = 1

         ' Call CopyRecords procedure to populate sheet with array
         CopyRecords Data1.Recordset, objExlApp.ActiveSheet, stcell

         ' Show Excel and kill reference
         objExlApp.Visible = True
         objExlApp.Interactive = True
         Set objExlApp = Nothing
      End Sub

5. Start the project and click the command button. Excel should start
   (if it is not already started) and fill the first sheet of a new
   workbook with the rows from the Authors table in the biblio.mdb


When you program in Excel using VBA, the most efficient way to fill a sheet's range from a Recordset is by using the CopyFromRecordset method. However, when you try to call the CopyFromRecordset method using Automation from Visual Basic 4.0, it fails with a run-time error. A workaround would seem to pass the Recordset object to a procedure in Excel to allow the Excel procedure to issue the CopyFromRecordset method. However, when you try to pass the Recordset object to the Excel procedure, it also fails with a run-time error.

These limitations do not apply when you use Automation between Visual Basic 5.0 or later and Microsoft Excel 97.

Additional query words: Excel kbVBp

Keywords          : kbinterop kbAutomation kbVBp400 kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbExcel97 
Platform          : WINDOWS
Issue type        : kbprb

Last Reviewed: June 1, 1999