ID: Q138723
The information in this article applies to:
In earlier versions of Microsoft Excel, you can create Visual Basic or C/C++ code to allow another application to access a currently running instance of Microsoft Excel. To do this, you use code similar to the code in the following examples:
VB Code Example
Dim myExcelApp As Object
Set myExcelApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
C/C++ Code Example
LPOLESTR lpszProgID = OLESTR("Excel.Application");
if (FAILED(CLSIDFromProgID(lpszProgID, &clsid)))
HRESULT hr =GetActiveObject(clsid,NULL,pUnk);
This code will not work with Microsoft Excel version 7.0, even if Microsoft
Excel is running.
Earlier versions of Microsoft Excel register the application object in the OLE RunningObjectTable (ROT) on startup. This registration occurs under all circumstances, regardless of whether Microsoft Excel is started by OLE. However, Microsoft Excel 7.0 does not register the application object in the ROT on startup by default.
This change in Microsoft Excel 7.0 is by design.
Microsoft Excel 7.0 DOES register itself in the ROT in the following situations:
Private Declare Function FindWindowA lib "User32" (byval sClass as String,
byval xTitle as long) as long
Private Declare Function SendMessageA lib "User32" (byval hwnd as long,
byval msg as long, byval wParam as long, byval lParam as long) as long
Private const WM_USER = 1024 Dim myExcelApp As Object
sub KickExcel()
dim hwnd as long
hwnd = FindWindowA("XLMAIN", 0)
if hwnd = 0 then
msgbox "No instances of Excel running?"
exit sub
SendMessageA hwnd, WM_USER + 18, 0, 0
Set myExcelApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
end sub
LPOLESTR lpszProgID = OLESTR("Excel.Application");
HWND hExcelMainWnd =0;
hExcelMainWnd = FindWindow("XLMAIN",NULL);
MessageBox(NULL,"No instances of Excel running?","Error",MB_OK);
SendMessage(hExcelMainWnd,WM_USER + 18, 0, 0);
if (FAILED(CLSIDFromProgID(lpszProgID, &clsid)))
HRESULT hr =GetActiveObject(clsid,NULL,pUnk);
Additional query words: kbinf launched
Keywords : kbExcel
Version : 7.00
Platform : WINDOWS
Last Reviewed: June 1, 1999