OL98: (CW) Error Message "There is not enough space on the Microsoft Exchange Server to store all of your rules."ID: Q236089
When you attempt to create a rule to forward a message to more than 35 names, you may receive the error:
There is not enough space on the Microsoft Exchange Server to store all of your rules. The rules that failed to upload have been deactivated.
The rule has exceeded the 32 KB limit. There is a 32 KB limit for e-mail addresses when the addresses for the rule are
expanded on the client. Adding a contact or Personal Address Book (PAB) distribution list to a rule results in each address being added to the rule as a separate entry. This means the 32 KB limit can be exceeded if the distribution list contains more than approximately 35 addresses.
Global Address List (GAL) distribution lists are expanded on the server. Using a GAL distribution list in a rule results in just one address entry being added to the rule. This means the 32 KB limit is not reached as quickly.
Define multiple rules, each with less than 35 names or use a GAL distribution list if possible.
This problem only occurs when the names are from the Personal Address Book or from the Contacts list. It does not occur if the names are from the Global Address List.
Additional query words: 98
Keywords :
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: July 30, 1999