OL98: (IMO) Connection Error Using AT&T Internet Mail
ID: Q179749
The information in this article applies to:
NOTE: These procedures only apply if you have installed Outlook with the
Internet Mail Only option. To determine your installation type, on the Help
Menu click About Microsoft Outlook. In About Microsoft Outlook you should
see "Internet Mail Only" if you have the Internet Mail Only option
When you start Microsoft Outlook or first connect to your AT&T Internet
Mail server, you may receive the following error message:
Dial-up networking settings not valid. Please check your password.
Following this message, you may notice that sent mail does not leave your
This problem may result from either of the following:
- Incorrect settings in the Internet E-Mail service properties
- Corrupted password (.pwl) file
To correctly configure the Internet E-mail service, follow these steps to
troubleshoot this problem.
Incorrect Settings Using the Internet E-Mail Service
If you are using the Internet Mail Only option, follow these steps:
- Click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
- Double-click the Mail icon.
- Click your AT&T World Net account in the list of Mail Accounts, and
click Properties.
- On the Servers tab in the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) box, type (in lowercase),
mailhost.worldnet.att.net or the IP address,
- In the Incoming Mail (POP3) box, type (in lowercase),
postoffice.worldnet.att.net or the IP address,
NOTE: AT&T also has a new POP3 address: postoffice.att.net. IP addresses
or literal names for mail servers may change, especially if additional
servers are added by the provider. If your mail server information is
different than listed here, use the server names provided by AT&T.
Make sure you use the correct address for your mailbox. If your mail
server information is different than listed here, use the server name
provided by AT&T.
- In the Account Name box, type the user's e-mail name up to, but not
including the @ symbol; and in Password, type your password.
- Click OK, and Close to close all dialog boxes.
Start Outlook and send a message.
Creating a New Password List File
If the previous steps do not resolve the error message referenced in the
"Symptoms" section, your user password list may be damaged. The password
list maintains a cache of user passwords used on your computer. To create a
new password list, follow these steps:
- Click Start, point to Find, and then click Files Or Folders.
- In the Named box, type *.pwl and click
Find Now.
- Right-click the file named <username>.pwl, and click Rename on the
shortcut menu.
- Rename the file to <username>.old, and then press ENTER.
NOTE: If you are using a personal certificate, you should export it
before renaming your .pwl file. If you do not do so, it may be
unavailable when you send e-mail. For more information, see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q190296 Unable to Use Personal Certificates in Outlook Express
- Restart Windows.
You will be prompted to enter a new password before entering Windows.
To obtain your personal AT&T e-mail account information call one of these
telephone numbers:
For step-by-step instructions on configuring Outlook with AT&T World
Net, visit the AT&T World Net User's Reference Guide at the following Web
The third-party contact information included in this article is provided
to help you find the technical support you need. This contact information
is subject to change without notice. Microsoft in no way guarantees the
accuracy of this third-party contact information.
The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability.
For more information, please see the following article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
OL98: How to Troubleshoot Mail Stuck in the Outbox
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbdta CfgIM
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: August 8, 1999