OL98: (IMO) Formatting Lost Using WinFax Starter EditionID: Q183926
When you send a fax that contains formatting such as bold, italic, or colored fonts, the recipient does not see this. The whole fax is displayed and printed as Courier, in a single font size.
The Winfax Starter Edition does not send Rich Text Format (RTF), but sends the fax as plain text instead.
If your fax recipients require RTF, choose on of the following methods.
http://www.symantec.com/winfax/starterThe third-party contact information included in this article is provided to help you find the technical support you need. This contact information is subject to change without notice. Microsoft in no way guarantees the accuracy of this third-party contact information.
This section contains more information on mail format types and what
graphic types are supported.
Starting with Inserting graphic by Yields this result
HTML Pasting from clipboard Graphic appears on a
separate page of
received fax. This works
because in this format
we send the file as
embedded HTML. If you
send a mail message like
this to a machine
running Outlook 97 you
will see the attachment.
HTML Attachment As long as the
attachment type is
associated with a program
that has the Print
action, this will
work. The
attachment will appear on
a separate page.
RTF Pasting from the This will fail with all
clipboard, Insert Object the errors stated
RTF Attachment Works as long as the
attachment has the Print
action. The graphic is
separate from the rest
of the text.
Plain text Pasting from clipboard Not available. Paste is
unavailable with a
graphic in the
Plain text Attachment Works as long as the
attachment has the Print
The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability.
For more information about Symantec Winfax Starter Edition please see
the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q183973 OL98: (IMO) ErrMsg: "Automatic Printing of the File Has Failed
Q183944 OL98: Troubleshooting Symantec WinFax Starter Edition
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbdta GnlFrmt
Version : WINDOWS:
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbprb
Last Reviewed: August 2, 1999